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2023-06-18 15:30:22
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1. Be brave and don't change for anyone. If they can't accept the worst of you, they don't deserve the best of you.

2. Too much kindness is cowardice, and too much fuss is affectation. The most difficult thing to grasp in this world is the degree

3. Some roads look close, but they are far away. Life is not easy, life is not easy, nothing is more important than living well.

4. Do you like a distant person who never disappoints you and gives you the courage and strength to live.

5. All introverts in the world are talking to the wrong person.

6. Life can't always be smooth, but if you keep walking towards the sun, the shadow will hide behind. Dazzling, but in the right direction.

7. When something goes wrong in your life, don't be discontented or angry, or hold your grudges and get discouraged. You have to face both good and bad, and the good and bad will pass. Anger is punishing yourself for others' mistakes..

8. The morning light is slightly dew, the doors and windows are open, the house is full of fresh wind, and the summer wind is gentle and comfortable.

9. I like the kind of person who has gone through big storms and waves, but still calmly like stepping on wet pants when it rains. There is a kind of calm strength in the character of such a person, which is also gentle and unhurried.

10. I hope I am a star. If I can shine, I don't have to fear the darkness anymore. Just as I am positive and become better, many troubles will disappear.

11. Although there are many people with smiles on their faces, they are really sad in their hearts. Not all smiles represent happiness. More people are still sad in their hearts.

12. Later, I realized that only when I earn enough money to make me feel at ease, can I live a simple, comfortable and free life, and can I live with more confidence. So, spend more time and effort and less effort to be sentimental.

13. If a person has nothing to rely on, he will often become strong. You are simple, the world is a fairy tale; Heart complex, the world is a maze.

14. If you accommodate others too much, they will make it harder for you; If you tolerate others too much, they will hurt you. In fact, most of the people you meet are used to your "good".

15. It's easy to fall in love because of the five senses and difficult to get along because of the three senses.

16. I didn't have any dreams from childhood to adulthood. I never asked far away on the road, but sincerely hoped that I would become a very powerful person. If you ask me what I am good at, it is probably that I can protect my lover, be worthy of my friends and support my family one day.

17. There is another kind of success in the world, which is to live your life in the way you like.

18. Don't forget to smile no matter what your life is like. May you become your own sun without relying on anyone's light.

19. Without your so-called "quiet years", life is never easy. When you think it's easy, someone must be taking your share of the hard work for you.

20. There is no rehearsal in life. Every day is live broadcast. Life must have left the last good fortune to you, so that you can experience such a bad day.

21. Only with material things can people survive, and only with dreams can people talk about life. Do you want to understand the difference between survival and life? Animals live while people live.

22. Stop complaining that people around you are fickle. Every second you are paying for your choices. Understand more and understand more. After all, people live more and more realistically!

23. Smoking relaxes men's spirit and makeup makes women feel comfortable. But in the end, after smoking, men should worry; When the heavy makeup is removed, should a woman be ugly or ugly.

24. Stay on the front line and meet in the future. Don't do anything completely. To save face for others is to save face for yourself.

25. The fairest thing is time, and the most eccentric thing is time. Everyone has the same 24 hours, but finally lives in a different way.

26. When people live to a certain stage, even if outsiders can strike, they will not cause harm. Those who can cause harm are all "own people".

27. Life can't wait for others to arrange it. You should strive and struggle for it, regardless of whether the result is happy or sad, because you try hard. People with dreams don't do multiple-choice questions, they only do proof questions!

28. People can only survive with materials; People can talk about life only when they have ideals. Where footsteps cannot reach, eyes can reach; Where vision cannot reach, spirit can fly.

29. People can only survive with materials; People can talk about life only when they have ideals. Where footsteps cannot reach, eyes can reach; Where vision cannot reach, spirit can fly.

30. You can become what you believe in. Because there are two most terrible words in the world, one is persistence, the other is seriousness. Serious people change themselves, and persistent people change their destiny.