A golden sentence from February to my life
Rebellious middle-aged man
2023-04-11 14:29:37
A complete list of famous sayings

1. You can't even control how many hours you sleep. You want to control your life. Your problem is that you can understand everything, but you are lazy!

2. Sometimes, we must shut up, let go of our pride and admit that we are wrong. This is not surrender, but growth.

3. In fact, all the roads in the world are similar, and there is only a small rain line between this bank and the other bank. But I wrote love as desolation and danced loneliness as spring and autumn.

4. You envy the beauty of others, but you are reluctant to spend money. You envy the income of others, but you don't want to invest. You envy everything others have, but you dare not try anything. Because you only dream and don't do it, you only envy.

5. To get different harvest, you have to choose different seeds; If you want to see different scenery, you will take a different road from others; To reach a height that has never been achieved, we must make efforts that have never been done before..

6. The morning flower picked up in the evening has withered, and the memory picked up is once!

7. As you grow older, you will find that love is not the whole of life. Kindness, hard work, study, keep fit, and make yourself better are the most important things in life.

8. The world is not so good, and it is not so bad. What we should do is to treat all people in good faith when circumstances permit. Protect the people you really care about when the environment does not allow.

9. There is nothing in the world that does not need to pay a price. It can be as small as three meals a day, and the feelings between people, which can be lived without effort.

10. We once longed for the waves of fate, and finally found that the most beautiful scenery of life was the calm and calm of the heart; We had hoped for the recognition of the outside world before we finally knew that the world was our own and had nothing to do with others.

11. Lack of money is not terrible, but the fear is always waiting for relief; Loneliness is not terrible, but always lonely; Unemployment is not terrible, but the fear is not looking for work all the time; Sickness is not terrible, but the fear is that one cannot rise from a disease; It's not terrible to lose, but to be defeated.

12. Whether a person is worth getting along with or not depends not on how good he can treat you, but on how bad he can treat you when he is in a bad mood. Educated people have two abilities: to speak well and to keep their emotions stable.

13. People who know how to make concessions are smart. In emotional confrontation, if they win face, they lose love. People who hold on to the end are often left alone. In fact, bending down is not to admit defeat, but to pick up lost happiness.

14. In life, everyone wants someone to hurt, understand and rely on, but not everyone is lucky enough to meet someone like that. Most of the time, the person we most rely on is ourselves.

15. In life, there are no obstacles and people who can't leave. It's a little difficult, just hold it, and it will pass; Some people, ruthless, forget; Some hate, smile, it will melt.

16. Don't wait for the wrong person, don't hurt the wrong heart. Some people are destined to be passers-by in life; Some things often make us helpless. It's better to face it calmly than to cry.

17. People can feel comfortable because they have enough strength, a gap in their chest, heaven and earth in their belly, and a Bodhisattva's heart. Only when there is love in their heart can there be tenderness in their eyes.

18. Love inspires you to create a brilliant career and inspires me to walk through the lines of flowers. You are my reader and I am your audience in this life. We will interpret the meaning of life together.

19. No matter how hard you try to make yourself perfect, there will always be a group of people pointing at you behind your back. You don't need to scold or spank anyone. They may not be bad people, but they just can't understand your life style.

20. People will never cherish three kinds of people: one is easy to get; Second, they will never leave; The third is the one who has been good to you. However, often these three people will never come back once they leave.

21. One day, you will know that wine in the late night hurts your stomach the most, and porridge in the morning warms your heart the most; The person who loves you, his mouth is too stupid, the person who deceives you, his mouth is too sweet.

22. When and where, you should understand that you live for yourself. Don't take others' evaluation too seriously. As long as you have a clear conscience, you don't have to worry too much.

23. No matter how well you do, someone will point out; Even if you are in a mess, someone still sings the praises. So don't fall into the eyes of others. What you need to please is just yourself.

24. You are lucky to have someone to help you; It is a just fate that no one helps you. No one should do anything for you, because life is your own, and you have to be responsible for yourself.

25. Don't be too tired to live and too busy to be tired; Don't be too expensive if you want to eat, and don't waste if you want to wear; Bored with finding friends to party, I fell asleep and fell asleep. Peace of mind is always the most beautiful, happy every day is right.