Say goodbye to a city and leave a place (51 sentences)
details kill love
2023-04-07 16:22:42
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1. Because a person will like a city, but many years later, we only remember the city, but forget the person who was in the city.

2. Walking everywhere in it, full of love and greed. The hazy mist lingers high and far. Looking around, you can really feel what is called "water and sky are one color" and what is called "tranquility and farsightedness".

3. To like a city and stay in a city is never because of the charm of the city itself, but because the city has people who want to cherish or dreams that want to pursue.

4. When you arrive at a place and miss a place, it is because of the people there, not just the scenery there. A city will connect with itself, but also because there is a soft place that is rarely touched, and there are people who can not be put down.

5. How many people live in the city of their own imagination and move to another city for their own imagination. This obstinacy is both lovely and pathetic.

6. To love someone is actually very simple. He makes you cry and disappoints you. Even so, when he stands there, you will still walk to hold his hand, involuntarily.

7. Only when you leave a city can you know how much you are attached to, and only when you leave a city can you know how much you are reluctant to part with.

8. A woman will only bully a man who is nice to her, because she knows that even if he is wronged again, he will not leave her.

9. If you leave a place, the scenery will no longer belong to you; If you miss someone, that person will have nothing to do with you.

10. Every time I am about to leave a city, my heart is always full of regret. The beautiful scenery and moving people and things along the way remain in the picture and are also remembered in my heart.

11. The person who treats you best is often the person who bullies you best. Men and women in the world often bully the person who treats him best.

12. Life has no ifs, only consequences and results. Maturity is to face all small things with a smile.

13. People who have lost their predestination are not easy to meet even in the same city; A reincarnation means a lifetime—— In this noisy city, who is missing who.

14. The distance from home is getting farther and farther. There is no fear, no fear, just curiosity and yearning for another city. Every city has its own flavor. Close your eyes and you can feel their differences.

15. Don't say, I will miss you after I leave; Don't say, I am still a friend after breaking up. If you leave a place, the scenery will no longer belong to you; If you miss someone, that person has nothing to do with you.

16. No matter how I treat you, you will not pay attention, because in your life, I seem so insignificant.

17. Happiness, in fact, is very simple. When you are lost, when you are sad, when you cry, I will come to you and give you a hug without hesitation.

18. I go from one ship to another, from one city to another. It doesn't matter where I go. I think there is plenty of time.

19. A month ago, a man from a northern coastal city exhausted my only remaining belief in love. I found out from the book that the sky in his city is clean and crisp. There are tall and beautiful girls.

20. I finally know that sometimes, I choose to leave a city, not necessarily because the city has become loveless, but because there is so much love that I can't bear to look back.

21. Gradually understand that growing up means leaving, leaving home, school by school, group by group, classmates, friends and places. It turns out that growing up is just teaching people to cherish.

22. It is not just chatting that is suitable for being together; It is not suitable to be together; It is not that we can stay together forever; Not always together will be happy.

23. I want to leave this city, not with you, me and myself. Suddenly, I had a cold war. I was afraid that when I left this city, I would also leave me, including the people and things I wanted to face back.

24. Judge your age by your friends, not by your age. Evaluate how you are doing. Look at the smile, not the tears.

25. After all, one day, time will no longer matter to us. How many people spend their lives trying to get everything in this city, but they can't escape the fate forgotten by this city.

26. There is no reason to be in a city, but there must be a reason to leave a city, which is enough to make you willing to settle all and go alone.

27. Various injuries in love. Resist or surrender or passivity, but always have to face.

28. I left the city that made me sad, put aside all the people and things I loved, as well as my childish ideals, and came to a place where few people cared about me and only I could cry.

29. I hope to leave this city as soon as possible and go to a place I am completely unfamiliar with. Start a new life, make new friends, have a small family and a Samo.

30. The same city, at different times and in different seasons, has different thoughts. Under the same blue sky, no one in the past is destined to stay for anyone.

31. It is not to be with a person who is most suitable for you, but to be able to stick to the commitment you made to the person you love when you meet a person who is more suitable for you. Love is not two people looking at each other, but two people looking at the same direction.

32. I think there must be a reason for a city to let me stay for such a period of time. Then, there should be enough reason to leave the city

33. When your mouth can't explain how sad you are because of this, crying is the only way to tell.

34. Happiness is that you stick to what you should, give up what you should give up, cherish what you have now, and do not regret what you have decided.

35. At the beginning, I just ran away from the city that carries too many memories, which has nothing to do with my dreams.

36. After staying in a city for a long time, you will inevitably be paralyzed by the peaceful life. When you want to pack your bags and decide to give yourself a chance to choose another city, you don't know where your next stop should be?

37. After you left, I found that I could no longer love others. I left my own city and ran all the way. I longed to meet you again on a certain date.

38. I had only two sides with him. We met in a hurry, and then he left without saying goodbye. He interviewed me. Because a catastrophe hit my city. His voice was as cold as his eyes. No temperature, very sharp.

39. - If you leave a place, the scenery will no longer belong to you; If you miss someone, that person will have nothing to do with you.

40. Each time you just leave one city and enter another. What is repeated is actually the same experience: in the process of constant excitement, I gradually feel disappointed.

41. The road ahead is still far away. You may cry, but you must go on and never stop.

42. In fact, we like going to school, but we don't like going to class. We miss the time when we used to make fun and laugh together.

43. That fool only remembered that I was afraid of thunder, so he called me to chat with me when he heard the thunder, but he forgot that we were not in the same city for a long time, and the thunder in their city could not scare me in this city.

44. If you fall in love with a person and fall in love with a city, will you forget that person after leaving the city

45. When she left the city, she took the ticket handed to her by fate. It's a one-way ticket. Later, she stayed in a strange city. The huge and empty city, like a cave, had no childhood and no memories.

46. A city without natural resources is not on the natural trade channel. Its wealth comes entirely from the donations of devout believers. Today, this city is still the poorest big city in Israel and one of the poorest cities in all cities.

47. If I don't contact you, don't think it's because I forgot you. It's because I'm working hard for our agreement again.

48. Sometimes, it is better to have fewer roots than to have more heart. Heartless, so that we can live without fatigue.

49. Because a man leaves a city, knows a city, and goes to another city.

50. Every city will have its own affiliated stories and the stories of all of us. Walking in the bustling crowd, I looked up at the distance and thought that your story, my story and their story had happened in this city.

51. You have to work hard to move from one city to another. Learn to grow up, learn to bear, learn to cry, you can also smile and hug your parents.