42 words of comfort when a relative dies
Never give up
2023-05-07 08:58:21
Complete sentences

1. The loss of loved ones is a painful departure, and it's hard to be wet. I don't know when to meet again. The sky and the earth are full of flowers.

2. Life, old age, sickness and death are human nature. Birth, old age, sickness and death, natural law! Don't be too sad, he will feel your filial piety!

3. The happiness of the living is the best comfort for the deceased relatives. For the hope of the elderly, you must try to make yourself happy!

4. All feasts come to an end. Although grandpa left him, he left a lot of things to live in his heart forever.

5. She is liberated and has gone to enjoy the good fortune. People can't come back to life after death. Grandma's spirit in heaven certainly doesn't want her children and grandchildren to be so sad.

6. We should now sincerely wish the deceased a good journey and rest in peace under the Nine Springs!

7. Life, old age, illness and death are the most common things. People can't live again after death. People should live well when they are alive, or the old will not rest in peace.

8. The dead rest in peace. The living should summon courage to face life again. I will accompany you and support you! restrain one 's grief and accord with inevitable changes!

9. Don't be too sad. He is looking at us. When we are happy, he can be at ease. This is his greatest wish, isn't it?

10. Life will experience this moment. I feel sad for your mother's leaving. As a friend, I wish your mother eternal life and happiness in heaven.

11. Life, old age, illness and death are supposed to be. Everyone will experience death, so don't be too sad. He/she doesn't want to see you like this.

12. He is going to another place to finish his task. We should bless him. Because he is in close contact with nature. It's best to be happy every day.

13. Don't be too sad when your loved one dies. In heaven, he won't like you so depressed. Cheer up and work hard for your loved one.

14. The dead person is no longer here. Sadness can only hurt your own body! Live for the living! Care for her for others; Those who love him live!

15. God is fair to everyone. When you lose something, you also gain something valuable. Everyone should have a grateful heart.

16. Everyone is going to live or die. It's not up to you to decide. He went to another place to live happier than the world.

17. Everyone has this time. In fact, everyone will face it. Maybe leaving is the beginning of another kind of life for the elderly, and they will stay in our hearts.

18. When the reality cannot be changed, we can only learn to be strong, flowers bloom and fall, everything in the world has a beginning and an end, which belongs to the natural law. Please don't be sad, and life will continue.

19. Don't be so sad. You should comfort his soul in heaven with your performance. Although he has left, our living people still need to live well.

20. Don't be too sad. The most important thing we should do next is to cheer up. Everything can't be saved. We have to continue to live, and live for ourselves!

21. Birth, aging, disease and death, natural and man-made disasters, etc. Who can escape? Life is like this. You still need to continue, friends. If you want to cry, you can cry happily and release your depression.

22. It's human nature that everyone can't feel the pain of losing their loved ones. We can only pray for the dead in our hearts and hope that they will live well in another heaven!

23. Everyone comes to the world just to find his own things. Some people left first because he found them. There is nothing to sigh about. Where does nothing cause dust?

24. If we really lose, we should be stronger, and let the past go. Let us be strong, losing one person, at least others, will not make us feel lonely!

25. Your relatives only see where you can't see them, but they can see you. They don't want to let you have a bad life because of them. Let them know whether you are a strong person and won't let them down.

26. Don't be sad, everyone. Life is always about dying. As long as we live well, his spirit in heaven will feel better. Sadness can't solve the problem. I think it should be OK! restrain one 's grief and accord with inevitable changes!

27. But don't look happy and happy in front of him. Don't grieve with him. Showing sympathy for her will make him feel cared for and remind him of his grandfather's kindness to her.

28. Your relatives only see where you can't see, but they can see you. They don't want to make you feel bad because of them. Let them know whether you are a strong person and won't let them down.

29. He has gone, but he certainly doesn't want our living people to suffer. He must hope that we will still live well after expressing moderate sorrow. He will bless us in another world!

30. A dead person cannot be revived. The strength of the living is the best comfort for the dead. We have grown up, and our relatives can't accompany us all our life. We must face this day after all. I am very sad that such a thing happened. I hope you will be strong.

31. Life, birth, old age, illness and death are all planned naturally. People will leave us one day when they are young and old. Maybe your grandfather loves you very much, so you will be very sad. But your grandfather doesn't want you to be so sad. Cheer up.

32. Don't be too sad when your family member dies. In heaven, he won't like you to be so depressed. Cheer up and work hard for your family member. To repay the old man with practical actions, only by working hard can he be worthy of his spirit in heaven.

33. Your relatives just go to places you can't see, but they can see you. They don't want to let you have a bad life because of them. Let them know whether you are a strong person. Don't let them down. People who leave don't want you unhappy.

34. We are getting old, and we are going to face this kind of departure. You can't stop it from happening. All you have to do is accept. What you can do is to handle the feelings with your relatives at the time you can grasp. Please mourn for the lost love.

35. The weather is unpredictable. Who would like to think of these things? How can it not be sad to lose the person who used to live happily with us every day, but what else can we do? I think he will be sad if he sees you not eating in heaven.

36. I understand your mood now, but the old man has gone, and the dead cannot be reborn! In the future, I will be your closest relative in the world. Believe me, I will take responsibility to make you happy and make you feel the warmth of home.

37. You can't come back to life after death. I know you are sad and sad, but you still have to live as usual. In real life, time will not stop because you lose a person. If you want to cry, you will cry. I will lend my shoulder to you. After crying, please be strong and live a good life. Don't let him go without confidence.

38. We live in a cultural situation, and our inherited ideas dominate us. How do you think people will look at you when buying a house? It is measured by conservative values. Your implicit refusal to have sex is also a familiar cause of conservatism. You are living according to the way of others. Think back.

39. Baby, this event may hit you hard, but we still need to cheer up, because Dad is always in our heart, and we need to cheer up more. We can't let this event fall down. I believe Dad in the sky doesn't want you to do this. Let's cheer up together.

40. Life is like this. If you want to have it but cannot, it may make people abandon themselves. If you really lose, you must be stronger. The past will let it go, and you cannot recover the past. Let's be strong. Losing one person, or at least others, won't make us feel lonely.

41. You must not be so weak. There are still many responsibilities for you. The deceased is no longer there, but he certainly does not want our living people to suffer. He must hope that we will still live well after expressing moderate sorrow. He will bless us in another world!

42. The deceased has ascended the fairyland, and the living will be relieved. Please remember that his teachings and love will always accompany you, and his smiling face will often appear in your mind; Please live more actively and happily in order to care for your relatives and friends, and let them smile and squint their kind eyes proudly for you in heaven!