Happy Signature Traditional
Hold hands to reminisce about the past
2023-02-07 09:02:26
Complete set of signatures

1. It's fake to want to drink with you. It's true to want to get drunk in your arms.

2. I never regret falling in love with you. You let me know that love is really beautiful.

3. Whether it's cold or warm, it's better to know each other, it's better to fight or quarrel, and it's better to keep it for a lifetime.

4. I can only bully you in my life. That's the best love words he ever said to me.

5. Your sentence "See you tomorrow" makes the whole tomorrow super sweet.

6. Meeting such a beautiful thing like you is like hearing the wind in the forest, like the night twining around the stars, like summer matching watermelons, like the ocean containing blue.

7. The sweetest thing I can think of is being loved by you every day I like you.

8. A rose in your eyes, a pot of liquor in your throat, a ray of breeze with you for a long time.

9. If there is a next life, please let me be your heart.

10. Your heart, my hand, the center of the sea of people holding your hand, I don't regret walking with you.

11. I'm not sure if I love you, but if someone asks me who I want to be with, I can only think of you.

12. Spend like you, spend like me, spend like the world, spend like the future.

13. Ten thousand feet high, blue sky and white clouds are my life. It's my dream to talk and laugh in the street restaurant and eat and drink slowly.

14. May you be strong enough not to be spoiled or used, but still lucky enough to be spoiled or used.

15. Although the cat is afraid of water but likes to eat fish, it is like I often dislike you as a fool but still want to never be separated from you.

16. I hope you can get everything you want. I hope your eyes are always smiling.

17. I hope you don't catch a cold and don't be anxious.

18. I have the temper of wind and rain, but what I love most is you.

19. My little world can't hold too much, only can hold the people who care about me and me.

20. In life, there will always be unexpected warmth and endless hope.

21. I am not at ease but I have been serious about you for so many years.

22. May you smile and accompany me until I am old.

23. In those years, the future was so far away that there was no shape, and we were so simple that there was no worry.

24. A period of vigorous love must know how to keep flowing.