A 600 word excellent composition after reading Living in 2022
Precipitation of years
2023-11-29 22:06:10

After watching Alive, the whole person was immersed in the bumpy life of Fugui. Live! I want to say, how to live?!

The main content of the book is that the landlord's young master, Fu Gui, became addicted to gambling and finally ran out of money. He went to see a doctor because his mother was ill. Unexpectedly, he was captured by the Kuomintang troops on the way and captured by the PLA. When he returned to his hometown, he knew that his mother had died and his wife had brought up a pair of children, but unfortunately, his daughter became deaf and mute, My son was smart and lively... However, the real tragedy began to unfold gradually from then on. Every page I read, I could not help but wet my eyes, because the rare warmth in life would be torn apart by death again and again, leaving only the old fortune and honor to recall in the sun with an old cow.

People are dying one by one in this story called living.

As a cold-blooded writer, Yu Hua quietly lets us follow his cold style and witness the absurdity, bankruptcy and hardship of the young master. Then he hypocritically gave us a little bit of good hope to let Youqing win the first place in long-distance running, let Fengxia marry someone and have children, and let some moments have tenderness and simple joy. However, just when we thought that the nightmare no longer haunted them, Yu Hua did not hesitate at all. He made his characters die quickly in various ways, without any signs, almost cruel.

Only left us stunned on the spot.

Youqing was the first to die suddenly.

"Youqing won't come on this road," his mother said. Most people should feel heartache at this time. The poor and hard life, the simple and rude education methods of Fugui never let Youqing lose hope in life. He loved his two lambs and went back and forth every day to cut grass and go to school. So when he won the first place in the long-distance race in front of his father, we all naively thought that the tragedy was over and things were getting better, so we had a little joy.

But how do we know he will die suddenly. Like many people at the bottom of the society we know today, Youqing's death is unjust and absurd. Unfortunately, his blood type was the same as that of the county magistrate's wife who was in labor, so he died prematurely because he drew too much blood.

I looked at the winding path leading to the city, and could not hear the sound of my son running barefoot. The moonlight was shining on the road, like salt.

Everything is like a huge curse. Daughter, wife, son-in-law, grandson, and finally only himself. And an old cow called Fu Gui.

Because we are far away from those turbulent years, and because we have never really experienced difficulties and difficulties, this story makes young people tremble. The thin 120000 characters are shrouded in "the depression of crying without tears".

But when I closed the book, I seemed to have some peace beyond secular desires and disputes. The ruthlessness and cruelty of real life are far broader than we imagine. Living, even if we have to bear many unbearable pain, we still have to be patient and tenacious. This should be the power of life.