Three Cabins of Spirit
be cynical
2023-06-14 06:06:39

Bi Shumin said: Spirit has three small rooms. The first room is full of our love and hate; The second room is for our cause; The third room is for us. I think there are also three cabins in our hearts.

The first room is full of our love, hate, emotion and sorrow

"Only when you have a big heart can you be happy and angry and lose your strength." Nine times out of ten, life is unhappy. But we still have to believe in tomorrow. Love is stronger than hate. After all, what determines your life is not eight or nine, but one or two. "Leave enough space for love to keep hope in sight forever."

All the joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows we have experienced in our life are like ancient musical instruments made of wood and stone, which are laid on several tables in the spirit house. When you use them to play a wonderful song for people in need, your first house will radiate the warmth of the sun. Even if life is a piece of coptis soaked in bitterness, if you chew it for a long time, its bitterness will gradually fade. No matter how many hardships and frauds you suffer in your life, please still believe that people's light is greater than their shadow.

The second room is full of our dreams

"A person has at least one dream, and there is a reason to be strong. If the heart has no place to live, it will be wandering everywhere." Our dreams are the driving force for us to march forward bravely, and the greatest comfort when we cry.

Remember that summer night, you took me to the roof. We sat on the roof with our feet dangling. I complained that you pulled me out to feed mosquitoes. You didn't say anything but smiled and looked at the sky. You said that you would like to be a meteor. Although it is fleeting, it can instantly break through the darkness and illuminate the entire starry sky. I looked up at your gentle and firm side face, and only remembered that your eyes were clear and bright at that time, as if thousands of twinkling stars fell into it. Yuanhang, do you know that I would also like to make a bunch of fireworks, which may not be the most beautiful, but must be the most brilliant. Each radiant brilliance is mixed with unknown bitterness, and each novel design is mixed with unknown toil. When I look back on the past when my temples look like snow, I know that my little fireworks once flashed bright sparks in the world, so I have an explanation for myself.

The third room is for us

"We can be not great, but we are solemn. We can be imperfect, but we work hard. We can not be eternal, but we are sincere." When I read the third room, I suddenly remembered Dumbledore's meditation basin in Harry Potter. I suddenly understood what Dumbledore meant when he said, "Take out a few thoughts and put them into them, and one day enter to think about yourself".

In our hut, there are all the people we know, but we don't have ourselves. We turn our minds into the highways where other people's thinking cars run, but leave a narrow path for our own thinking. We take good care of all things in the world, but we have lost the key to open ourselves. In the house where he lived alone, he could not find evidence of his existence.

Each of us should improve ourselves and promote individuality.

The Jin Dynasty was dark and the court was corrupt, but there were "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest" singing their own life values in a troubled world. Then there were Ji Kang's bamboo forest ironmaking, Guangling's swan song, Ruan Ji's cry of "When there is no hero, the upright will become famous", and Liu Ling's dance of holding the fence and singing songs. Everyone is a seemingly disorderly note on the staff, but it is an indispensable element of a successful song.

The spiritual cabin needs to be built with the soul that can withstand love, hate, emotion and sorrow as the pillar, the dream as the beam, and the self as the wall, and three bright and sunny cabins!

After reading "The Cabin of Spirit", I dare not say that I am suddenly enlightened, but I know that it really has a great impact on me. We should work together to build our own spiritual house.