2023 Super humorous funny space
Cold Moon with Frost
2023-03-21 13:02:53
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. If the feelings are weak, won't salt be added.

2. Tonight, let's warm up with the cold war!

3. When will the moon appear? Look up.

4. As long as the sun is good, the camera pixels are naturally high!

5. Please do not harass. I am harassing others.

6. You said love should be like the sea, so I jumped into the sea.

7. After eating the whole family bucket, we are one family.

8. Hit is kiss, scold is love, love is not enough to kick!

9. You are so young. I almost thought you were young.

10. Alas, if he is not in good shape, he even has a headache.

11. Nothing is weaker than the weak's contempt for the strong.

12. The greatest sorrow of a man is that he is unwilling to be himself.

13. Make a mistake, or make a plan, but make it anyway.

14. Life is like a play, all depends on acting skills, acting others, forget yourself.

15. Don't think that you are sunburnt and can cover up the fact that you are an idiot!

16. Honey, tell you a secret. Pigs look better than you. You look worse than pigs.

17. This man doesn't know much about music, so he sometimes doesn't rely on music or tune.

18. Without a few knocks, you can't know the quality of a person or a watermelon.

19. When octopus likes Shanghai Mianbao, I will do my homework.

20. Many people don't have a single person to kill a thousand swords

21. The headmaster dismissed me. I didn't fall in love. He said that my ugly appearance affected the city appearance

22. Every time after arguing with others, I always feel that I haven't played well and I want to argue again

23. The most amusing plot in TV series and movies is that when killing people, the white knife goes in and out.

24. I really like that you want to ride the roller coaster with you and unfasten your seat belt at the highest place.

25. If you can't read any more, take out the mirror and recite: If you have grown up like this, you will not study hard.

26. After wearing cropped pants, then cropped pants, and finally super shorts, the color of the legs is layered.

27. This exam was supposed to be a blockbuster, but I decided to hide my strength when the exam papers were handed out.

28. The difference between a lie and an oath is that the person who listens is serious, and the person who speaks is serious.

29. On the first day of school, the teacher called the people in the lower half of the class to stand up, which made me feel embarrassed.

30 years ago, I could beat your father to death. Ten years later, I can still kill you with one blow. Right, dead mosquito!

31. It's not easy to cheat with good looks. The invigilator can't help but take a look. No wonder I was often found in those years.

32. When a couple sent chocolates to each other downstairs, Kuang dropped a bucket of water and said: I heard that chocolates are more suitable for rainy days!

33. When your tears cannot help but flow out, open your eyes and never blink, you will see the whole process of the world from clear to fuzzy.

34. The soft is afraid of the hard, the hard is afraid of the indestructible, the indestructible is afraid of the shameless, and the shameless is afraid of running the insurance. One person running insurance, the whole family shameless.

35. The teacher said: The college entrance examination is coming, so don't quarrel with puppy love to avoid affecting the mood; If you don't fall in love with someone early, don't confess it, otherwise rejection will affect your mood.

36. The African black sister went to Shanghai for tourism and stayed in a hotel. A fire broke out in the middle of the night. The African woman ran out quickly. A fireman was surprised and said, "My mother is burning and running so fast!"!

37. A village held a meeting to discuss the reform of funeral and interment to save land resources, and the villagers expressed their opinions. A said: I suggest! No coffins are needed, saving money and land. B said: I think burying vertically can save more space. C knocked on his cigarette gun and said slowly, "Look, only the lower half of it will be buried vertically. Even the tombstone will be saved. You can see who is dead at a glance!"!