Let go of heartache and want to cry
Maple Forest Leaves Fall
2023-07-04 19:05:49
Heartbreaking Sentences

1. I just feel that the whole life is on the assembly line of time, and I can't wait for you.

2. I have been paying attention to you, in all the ways you know or don't know.

3. Use my San Sheng fireworks to exchange your lifelong love.

4. One day, I will also let go of my current persistence and reluctance, with a little regret, and live a new life without you. The world is so big, and it is no good without you.

5. I stroked the strings, you painted, embraced the sunrise, and watched the dusk hand in hand. I thought that the ordinary fireworks life was a lifelong promise, which was just the happiness I expected. Even though I am deeply in love with you, I can't keep you wandering around the world.

6. There is a kind of silent love, called giving up, sighing gently, and leaving for love.

7. Some things, you really don't see clearly, see clearly, heartache; Some people, you really don't understand, understand, hurt. Life is a kind of muddle, a vague, say not understand, say not clear, muddle, with muddle. There are too many things in life that I can't stand. To see clearly and understand them is to look for sorrow. To cover life with a mist is not self deception, but self protection. Everything is too serious, painstaking, tired myself.

8. Don't think too well of me. When I show you my shortcomings, I will say that I have changed.

9. Flowers will not bloom in the coming year because of your alienation; People will turn into strangers because of your missing.

10. You seriously said that you like white mountain tea, but you put away other people's red roses happily. You gently say that you are attached to me, and then can't wait to love others.

11. I have paid too much, without any response, and only got one injury after another. I don't want to continue, and I don't want to make myself so miserable anymore.

12. I know that I am not a good recorder, but I like to look back on my own way more than anyone else. I not only look back and stop, but also run forward with great fanfare under the light of my hand.

13. Nobody likes being alone, but they just don't want to be disappointed. When a person gets through the hardest time, he doesn't want to look for dependence anymore. Everyone is tired.

14. When people are sad, no matter how happy they listen to music, they can't stop crying.

15. Finally, I don't have to say good night every day. I don't have to wait for your reply. I can cry happily and wet my pillow, turn off my mobile phone, and fall asleep unconsciously. The next day, I will wake up naturally. I don't have to be busy turning on my computer to say good morning. It turns out that losing is more reliable than having.