Respect for others is equal to respect for oneself Aestheticism Sentence Aestheticism Sentence about loving oneself (25 selected sentences)
If you want to hold a rose, you must bear the pain
2023-04-10 13:34:23
Complete sentences

1. The government can and should protect all teachers from any economic oppression, which will affect their thinking. [ Einstein's Democracy and Academic Freedom

2. Respect for teachers is no matter whether they are rich or poor. Lv's Spring and Autumn Annals - Persuading Scholars

3. Learning to govern, thinking to refine, friends to polish, reputation to honor, tireless to end, it can be said that studious has also gone. [ Han] Yang Xiong's Fa Yan

4. If you are sincere to others, they will be frank with you.

5. In terms of learning, respecting teachers is a virtue of students, but students are not necessarily inferior to teachers, which is the law of development of things. Zheng Minzhi's Talking about Respecting Teachers

6. Everyone has their own difficulties, and no one has the right to laugh at anyone. To be a man and do things, we should leave room for others, and leave ourselves a way to respect ourselves. This is the right way to deal with the world.

7. A teacher is like a father. Lv's Spring and Autumn Annals - Persuading Scholars

8. Respect for others is equal to respect for oneself. People are mutual.

9. Good questions make you rich, and self use makes you small. Shang Shu Zhong Ya Zhi Gao

10. Know and ask, then be able. Xun Zi

11. In order to learn, don't respect your teacher. Tan Sitong's Additional Articles of Association of Liuyang School of Computing

12. Not only students should respect teachers and value education, but the whole society should respect teachers and value education. Deng Xiaoping's Speech at the National Education Conference

13. If you are generous to others, they will be generous to you.

14. Many people are ashamed to ask others. If we ask people today, tomorrow is better than others, why not? [ Song Dynasty] Zhang Zai's "Confucian Classics Grottoes"

15. Scholars learn to gather together and ask questions to argue.

16. Knowledgeable and committed, ask questions and think closely. The Analects of Confucius

17. Whether you like it or hate it, whether it is your friend or your enemy, you should respect them. This is a kind of courage and wisdom!

18. To raise the prestige of teachers, we should educate all residents to show extreme respect for teachers and create an atmosphere of universal respect around teachers. [ Soviet Union] Kalinin, On Communist Education and Teaching

19. The heart is one foot wide and the road is ten feet wide. Open your heart and treat everyone kindly.

20. Quick and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask questions. The Analects of Confucius

21. When a country is prosperous, it must value teachers and pay attention to Fu; If you value your teacher and pay attention to your Fu, you will be able to keep the Dharma. When the country is going to decline, we must humble our teachers and despise our masters; If you despise your teacher and despise your Fu, you will be unhappy; If a man is weak, he will be punished. Xun Zi

22. Knowledgeable and knowledgeable. Doubts lead to questions. 〔 Han Dynasty] Wang Fu, On Hidden Husband

23. If you are mean to others, they will argue with you.

24. Those who are good at asking questions are like attacking strong trees. Those who change things first, then their programs. The Book of Rites

25. If you don't learn, you can't succeed. [ Han Dynasty] Wang Chong's Lunheng