Signature of qq life motto
Sitting in the garden watching the sunset
2023-05-21 21:06:53
Complete set of signatures

1. No matter how big the storm is, it will never reach your heart.

2. Whether out of frustration or not, don't exile too fast.

3. Those who dare to declare war on darkness must be full of light.

4. It is better to forgive others than to wait for others to forgive themselves.

5. We never forget the truth, but we are increasingly lying.

6. You should not be dissatisfied with others all the time. You should always review yourself.

7. All great actions and thoughts have a trivial beginning.

8. What kind of value is given to things, people will have what kind of action.

9. Don't follow others' thinking blindly. They will say that you will learn from others.

10. The reason why the world is beautiful is that it is reflected by too many regrets in the world.

11. Life is like a play, and play is like life. Everyone is playing different roles.

12. If you insist on taking simple things seriously, you will suffer a lot.

13. The weak should wait for opportunities, the strong should create opportunities, and the wise should seize opportunities.

14. I gave you the warmest embrace, but you gave me the most painful joke.

15. My wealth is not because I have a lot, but because I ask for little.

16. No matter how great you think you are, there will always be someone stronger than you.

17. Although love will eventually fall into the ordinary life, but warm, there is no substitute.

18. Life is not about grasping good cards, but how to play bad ones.

19. A good life is not blind thinking, do more, want less, smile often, and know how to be content.

20. Sometimes, two people have to separate before they realize how much they want to be together.

21. A person's happiness is not because he has more, but because he cares less.

22. There are three things to do in a day. The first is to laugh, the second is to smile, and the third is to laugh.

23. You are looking for someone who really belongs to you, but you forget that you are not good enough.

24. Difficulty is a hard stone, a stumbling block for the weak, and a stepping stone for the strong.

25. It is not ordinary to do all ordinary things well, and it is not simple to do all simple things right.

26. People can live happily, but we choose complexity and sigh!

27. Diligence should be the decisive factor in forming genius. A little hard work is in proportion.

28. If a butterfly wants to enjoy flying in the Hundred Gardens, it must first bear the pain of breaking with the pupa.

29. Why should you put poison in the same bottle? With the same psychology, why should you be full of troubles?

30. Go ahead and wave the boat of life. There is no need to be attached and trusted. The boat that breaks the waves will open new flowers all the way.

31. Most of the mistakes and losses are due to lack of effort, persistence and retention. Then tell yourself that everything is fate.

32. If you don't worry about yourself, others will never worry about you. Worries are created by your own heart.

33. A cup of clean water will become turbid due to a drop of sewage, but a cup of sewage will not become clear due to the presence of a drop of clean water.

34. What makes us unhappy are all trivial things. We can dodge an elephant, but we can't dodge a fly.

35. Look at life with a magnifying glass, and life is a tragedy; If you look at life with binoculars, life is a comedy.

36. The cruelest way to treat a lover is not to mix love and hate, not to cheat and betray, but to gradually fade away after extreme love.