Zen Sentiment of Life Copy
Mature men
2023-03-08 02:31:02
A complete set of maxims

1. Don't talk aggressively, don't be destructive, don't boast about your ability, don't praise others' evil, and naturally you can turn enemies into friends.

2. As long as you face the reality, you can surpass the reality.

3. Don't always feel wronged. You should think that he has been good to me. This is the cultivation skill.

4. The heart itself is not big, don't carry too much. Yesterday's entanglement will only imprison your today and tomorrow. Life, must learn to release!

5. Don't bring your own troubles because of the ignorance of all living beings. Don't hurt yourself because of the ignorance of all beings.

6. Time will pass, let time flow away your troubles!

7. If complaint becomes a habit, the mind is like a shackle, never free. Only by letting go of complaining can we realize the freedom and happiness of life.

8. Life sharpens life, along the way, learned to accept..

9. Happiness is not about getting more, but complaining less. Don't be demanding of others, and don't complain when things happen. Only those who are good at controlling their emotions and mentality can obtain peace and feel the taste of happiness.

10. Believe in yourself, sing along the way, and the beauty of life is here.

11. Listen carefully to what others say, and don't rush to express your own views.

12. We often feel sorry for missing something, but in fact, the mystery of life often exceeds your expectations. No matter when, you should believe that everything is the best arrangement.

13. Learn to lower and level your mind, pay more attention to your own shortcomings and the advantages of others, so that your arrogant heart becomes modest and respectful, and your environment will naturally be harmonious.

14. Coming is accidental, leaving is inevitable. So you must follow the fate unchanged.

15. Sticking the label of dream to life, those ordinary days will be sublimated. The ordinary time will be colored with gorgeous colors, and the touch of stone will turn into gold.

16. Smiles are like Band Aids. Although the wound was covered up, the pain remained. I am a person who often smiles, but not always happy.

17. Hating others is a great loss to oneself.

18. This world is only smooth, not perfect.

19. If the heart is simple, life is simple; If the heart is complex, life is full of pain.

20. A person who is full of jealousy, is not frank in his heart, and has bad words cannot be regarded as an official.

21. People can live happily as long as they have a smile; People, as long as they keep smiling, can have a permanent pass on the long road of life.

22. Many contradictions between people come from arrogance; They all feel that they are smarter, wiser, and more correct than others, so they despise each other, and contradictions gradually arise.