500 words after reading the biography of Hulan River
Listen to the wind and watch the moon
2023-08-11 17:03:19

Everyone's childhood is like a bottle of rainbow sugar, with happiness, sorrow, light and darkness. I read a novel that combines happiness, anger, sadness and joy --- The Story of Hulan River.

The Biography of Hulan River was written by Xiao Hong, one of the four talented women in the Republic of China. With her own childhood as the background, she linked the lonely childhood together, vividly reflecting the social style and human feelings of Hulan City in those years, thus mercilessly exposing and satirizing the cancer formed in the society by China's feudal system for thousands of years, as well as the disasters caused by it.

This novel depicts a lonely childhood. In the author's nearly 30 years of life, loneliness is her only partner, which reminds her of her beautiful childhood. I think Xiao Hong is like a crystal, crystal clear but cold and lonely. This book is full of Xiao Hong's good memories.

However, the feudal system made the people in Hulan become terrible and disgusting. When someone fell into the big mud pit, everyone stood by and gloated. When someone proposed to fill the big pit, everyone refused, and said mercilessly that it would be no fun if the pit was gone. At this time, I was filled with indignation. I really wanted to call out according to their ears: You take other people's lives as fun. When you see fresh lives die in front of you, do you really have a clear conscience?

Compared with Xiao Hongna's lonely and feudal childhood, how happy we should be, without the oppression of the government, the indifference of people, and gloating. When there was no one to fill the pit, no one to help the reunion daughter-in-law, and no one was willing to help Feng Piaozi, I could not help sighing. What a gloomy town it is. Now China has only experienced more than 70 years to make our country rich and strong, and we have enough food and clothing. Let me secretly admire the strength of the motherland.

After reading this book, I think everyone's childhood is so different. We have plenty of food and clothing, carefree, studious, and feudal darkness and sadness.

Although the place where the author lives is full of ignorance, ignorance, suffering and even despair, the author speaks these things in the most peaceful tone from beginning to end, and a tolerant heart will contain all the bad things.

Let's cherish today's happiness, and recall this beautiful childhood in the future!