Goodbye 2022 Hello 2023 Say goodbye Hello 2023 (70 selected sentences)
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2023-04-16 09:01:08
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1. Many twists and turns are experiences! Continue to refuel in 2023!

2. Happy as flowers, fragrant day of the Year of the Rooster; Happiness is like the sun, the warm season of the Year of the Rooster; Good luck is like light, shining the scenery of the Year of the Rooster; Auspicious songs accompany the footsteps of the Year of the Rooster. The Year of the Pig is coming. May you be prosperous and prosperous.

3. Yesterday has gone far. What's the use of showing off? Yesterday can only be used to remember. Today is a new beginning. Only by grasping today can we greet tomorrow with confidence. Goodbye 2022, hello 2023!

4. Stand up and dry your sweat. If we go on, life will continue.

5. You worked hard in 2022, and continue to work hard in 2023!

6. In life, there will always be unexpected warmth and endless hope. The last day of December, goodbye to December, goodbye to 2022.

7. Come against the wind, leave against the wind, go against the wind, take the wind as the name, float float float float~

8. There is always regret and regret, there is always frustration and reluctance, there are always simple and complex, there are always feelings and indifference, there are always unforgettable and want to forget, but life still has to move forward, dreams still have to rush, and I wish 2023 happiness will accompany me, and happiness will be even longer. Goodbye 2022, hello 2023!

9. I am poor, but I have dignity. I'm fat, but I have goals. Face everything calmly.

10. 2022, goodbye! Hello 2023! Unconsciously, we have entered the countdown to 2022. Meng Dong is in the wilderness and Midwinter is in sight. We should hold our heads high to welcome the arrival of 2023!

11. Whether it's sunny or cloudy, you must remember to give yourself a beautiful smile.

12. The greetings from afar come from the heart, so that the warm words can span thousands of miles, so that the lonely winter can leave behind the cold, so that the bell of the New Year can send peace. My good friends all over the world have my blessing. I wish your family a happy Spring Festival!

13. I am willing to persist in believing that the future is still promising. Come on 2023!

14. The green mountains will not change, and the water will flow forever.

15. You can cry all the way, but you must not encourage

16. I want to really own my own business. 2022, goodbye; Hello 2023!

17. Live the only few days in 2022 conscientiously, and then adjust your attitude to meet 2023, you will find that you are different. Goodbye 2022, hello 2023!

18. Forget hatred, spring blossoms. 2022, goodbye; Hello 2023! The stage extends as far as the heart goes. 2022, goodbye; Hello 2023!

19. Luck is waving to you, and tomorrow luck will come to you; Book a meter of sunshine and put it into the heart. Hello 2023!

20. With sweat and hard work, we gain success and joy; Hard work and hard work, achievements and joy; Pay persistence and perseverance, and gain achievements and gains; Looking back on 2022, it's really hard and tiring. I hope 2023 will be simpler. Goodbye 2022, hello 2023!

21. When you are embraced by failure, you may be waiting to kiss you.

22 、 2022 No one will turn back, and 2023 will meet in the Jianghu.

23. Always remember those who helped you in your dark days, and be grateful.

24. Eat well, sleep well, earn money well and spend money well. Don't be angry for people who are not worth it, and don't lose sleep for things that are not worth it.

25. Splendor in the sun, run in the wind and rain, dream your own dreams and take your own path. See you in 2022. Hello 2023.

26. Challenge is everywhere, and you are the real enemy. 2022, goodbye; Hello 2023!

27. Hello! Choose what you love and love what you choose. The first four words are the first half of your life, and the last four words are the rest of your life.

28. Hello, the new 2023! I will greet every enemy with a smiling face.

29. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 2022 terminal of the Road of Life. Please abandon all pain, trouble and sadness in order to get on the road easily; Only health, happiness and happiness are left. Thank you for your cooperation and wish you a smooth journey in 2023.

30. Goodbye, 2022! Hello, 2023! Anger without strength is meaningless.

31. There will always be new challenges in the new year. I hope I can keep a good attitude. Goodbye 2022, hello 2023!

32. Small progress is gained every day, and great progress is accumulated; Harvest small happiness every day, and accumulate it to become great happiness. On the last day of December, if no one recognizes you, recognize yourself.

33. Cherish the present, look forward to the future and the past, just remember

34. The Spring Festival is coming, and the message of blessing has been sent early. I wish you a happy Spring Festival, laugh every day, count the money every day, pay a raise and give a red envelope. Good luck is always covered.

35. Life is too short. Don't lose someone who treats you well; Love those who treat you well and forget those who don't know how to cherish you.