Reflections on Zizhi Tongjian
Who will accompany me to watch the stars
2023-09-09 11:01:46

These days, I finished reading Zizhi Tongjian during the winter vacation, and I was deeply impressed by the change of dynasties and the rise and fall of momentum. Zizhi Tongjian is a chronological history book edited by Sima Guang of the Song Dynasty, recording more than 1300 years of history from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the Five Dynasties. Sima Guang spent a total of 19 years compiling this masterpiece of more than 4 million words.

This book, by recording the deeds of some wise officials, tells us simply and vividly that honesty, integrity, strength, generosity, loyalty, faithfulness, perseverance, etc. are the qualities of the ancients. This is quality, which is still valuable today, and is indispensable to our life.

Now let me talk about a few things that impressed me deeply.

The Warring States Period was an era of advocating trickery, and hundreds of schools came out in large numbers. However, the lowest cost, the highest efficiency, and the most lethal was the counter plot. There are many forms of anti subterfuge, however, they all aim at the most vulnerable part of human nature (suspicious). Who doesn't doubt that, not to mention the monarch, I am a man of few people, and I mean a man who has no stomach to make friends with. Because the most regrettable thing about the opposition between the enemy and the villain is Wei. Wei occupied the Central Plains and was rich and proud of the princes. If we can keep Wu Qi and Sun Bin, the two greatest militarists in the Warring States Period, why should we worry about the failure of hegemony; It was Zhao who suffered the most. King Wuling dressed in Hu and rode and shot, skirted Zhongshan in the north, and governed Hu territory, making Zhao the only country that could compete with Qin at the end of the Warring States Period. However, in the battle of Changping, Zhao Weifan intervened with Zhao Kuo to replace Lianpo, and even 400000 troops were killed for Qin's pit. There are too many historical facts linked with the counter plot. It is certain that it will continue to challenge the most vulnerable part of mankind. Because information can never be complete, and human nature is always suspicious.

Another thing that still fresh in my memory is Shang Yang's reform. Reform by means of criminal name is too cruel and has accumulated too much resentment. He executed prisoners near the Weishui River and dyed the whole Weishui River red. More importantly, he did not receive the support of the prince's piety and nobility. As soon as Qin Xiaogong died, Shang Yang was killed. "Those who win will prosper, and those who lose will collapse." Today, if China wants to carry out various reforms, it should also make slow progress and not act too hastily. Let's talk about Tang Taizong again. Tang Taizong is a wise and farsighted emperor. A man should be content, and he should think before and after everything he does. Enough is enough. If you only know how to eat, but don't know how hard the farming is, "at noon on the weeding day, sweat drips down the soil", you will not cherish the food, will eat and drink, and will forget the workers' blood and sweat. As time passes

Meals are not often eaten. If you only know how to ride a horse and whip it fast, but don't know how to feed it, let it rest, or hurt it, you can't ride it for a long time. Yes, you were a little faster than those who let the horse rest for a while, but you forgot that your sitting horse was panting, thirsty, hungry, and tired. It won't carry you to the destination. The king is like a boat, and the people are like water. The water can carry the boat or overturn it. Those in power who do not care for the people, who are in charge, and who do not care about their subordinates, are in danger. This also clearly tells us a truth: a person should be satisfied, and he should think before and after doing everything.

From a person to a country, Zizhi Tongjian provides us with a typical example of learning and comparison. I hope you can read it when you have time to learn about the history of our country and learn from it the truth of being a man and even governing the country.