More than 200 words after reading the Analects of Confucius
A few songs make you smile
2023-07-13 23:01:02

Between learning and etiquette, I think learning is important. If you don't learn, you can't get etiquette. The so-called "human nature is good at the beginning" means that it is impossible for everyone to be born with etiquette all of a sudden, and etiquette is also derived from learning. Besides, Confucius also had to learn before he could know that etiquette was taught to everyone.

One more point, if Confucius really values etiquette, why is the first chapter of the Analects of Confucius "learning first"? Why not "etiquette first"? It seems that Confucius also attached great importance to learning. Moreover, what is important for our children now is to learn. Every day when your mother comes home, she will ask, "Have you been polite today? Have you respected your teacher?"! Your mother will only ask: "How are you doing today? Is there anything you can't do?" and so on.

Maybe after listening to this, someone will ask: "That Analects of Confucius was only handed down by Confucius' disciples, and it is not what Confucius said" learning first ". If you think so, you can get the answer from the Analects of Confucius." Ersanzi thought I was hidden? I don't hide! I have no line but not two or three, it is Qiu. "Seeing that Confucius would not hide his thoughts from his disciples, the student's statement just now was overturned.