Sentences of Cold and Despair to Husband (84 sentences)
I want to move forward
2023-06-03 05:20:57
Complete sentences

1. I don't like what I have contains a trace of impurities or deception, or betrayal.

2. The most regrettable thing in life is to give up what should not be given up easily and persist in what should not be.

3. You know what heartache is when you have been betrayed by your favorite person.

4. When two people have no dispute, no tears, no words, no contact, then their love and marriage road should also end.

5. Insomnia in the middle of the night, out of the disappointment of parents and the despair of her husband, I deeply understand that it is better to be single than to marry poorly!

6. A person wants to find someone to accompany him. A man loses himself. I don't know if there is any hope to pursue.

7. I'm used to your indifference, but I can't ignore you. Because I am afraid of losing your world, even if I feel lonely, I will not say I am sad.

8. When we grow old one day, will our memories disappear.

9. When my heart is tired to a certain extent, I have no strength to be angry and worried.

10. The harm a man does to a woman is not necessarily that he falls in love with others, but that he disappoints her when she has expectations and does not help her when she is weak.

11. One thinks, one walks, one smiles, one cries, one is sad, one goes from intentional to unintentional, and one song goes from passionate to heartless, which is one's present mood and also one's persistent feelings towards oneself.

12. If confession is a kind of hurt, I choose to lie. If the lie is also hurt, I choose silence.

13. Not everyone can make troubles in my heart. You know what?

14. Many times, our unforgettable memories have been forgotten by others. It is better to look down on them than to dwell on them.

15. My fingers are pale when I miss Qimei. It is the fleeting time around the waist of time, which runs through the four seasons like water. You are still like a ship that has not returned!

16. Unexpectedly, those who once believed in their promises have become the sharp swords that will hurt us most in the future.

17. Sometimes, it's better to turn back and separate than to keep the disguise still!

18. I don't know why I saw a trace of disappointment, a trace of happiness and a trace of surprise in her eyes

19. If one day I don't care about you any more, you should remember that I have saved enough disappointment.

20. At night, I wander in the street alone, my heart is lost, and I can't find my way home vaguely.

21. In the end, I couldn't find half a tear to remember our love.

22. Before marriage, a man thinks few women are suitable for him, but after marriage, he thinks many women are suitable for him. All women should marry and try to make their husbands earn money to support them.

23. We can't control the origin and extinction of causes. What we can do is to cherish the short time in the time of karma meeting.

24. I am the kind of person who is betrayed and is too lazy to shed tears.

25. People's minds are unpredictable and hard to prevent. The scum on the roadside rubbed their fists. Three, five and two, I capsized in the sewer.

26. If a thousand people step past me, I can also hear your footsteps, because your feet are on the ground, and only your footsteps are on my heart.

27. You betrayed the everlasting and I fled the future.

28. When people are no longer willing to accept formal love, betrayal will inevitably occur.

29. Inertial betrayal and naive hope that I should be considerate.

30. Who is not hypocritical, who is not fickle, who is not who. Why take some people and things as important.

31. The attitude towards her husband now is that she must turn off all hope and let it go, because she will always be disappointed when she has hope.

32. From a cold heart to a broken heart, do you think I never have a conscience? This time is enough, with memories no longer.

33. Love is not to leave the other person beside you. It is also a kind of love to let the loved one go.

34. Our relationship has a fairy tale process, but it does not end.

35. I missed many people in my life, suffered many betrayals, and was embarrassed. However, it really doesn't matter. As long as I can't die, I can still stand.

36. Sometimes you will be disappointed in life and your husband when playing games!

37. From a cold heart to a broken heart, do you think I never have a conscience? This time is enough, and the connected memory is no longer needed.

38. The first time I cried because you were not there, the first time I smiled because I met you, and the first time I smiled and cried because I could not have you!

39. You have never replied to my messages in seconds, and even every reply is perfunctory. Later, I realized that all the likes are sad, except for the love between two people.

40. Laughing and crying is the most painful. It really hurts. This kind of pain has never happened before.

41. No matter how beautiful love is, there are also times of betrayal, just like being wet by rain.

42. The rain drenched air, tired and sad, the fairy tale in my memory has slowly melted.

43. When you learn to give up, you can bear all the disappointments and lies. I can give up everything. What can you do with me?

44. Ben doesn't last forever. I'm too obsessed. Sticking to the so-called commitment, but forgot to speak without intention.

45. There are too many things I should do. I have no time to think about what I want. I feel totally disappointed in my postpartum life and have no hope for my husband!

46. I gave you the best, but you gave the best to others. How can you treat me like this.

47. I just hope that someone will know that I am not really free when I say I am free; Someone knows that I am not really happy when I try to smile.

48. Don't talk about love easily. A promise is a debt!

49. It is always necessary to experience some betrayal and some heartache to understand people's hearts.

50. Tears choked on my chest. I didn't know how to tell them. Finally, I had to choose silence.

51. The more you want to know whether you have forgotten, the clearer you remember. I once heard that when you can no longer have it, the only thing you can do is to make yourself not forget.

52. Don't leave your self-esteem on the ground for others to trample on, and don't let yourself live too pitifully.

53. Don't wait until he is someone else's, but your love turns into love.

54. I can feel your heartache. You have no choice but to act indifferent. The more you act like this, the more painful I feel.

55. I like myself now, and I miss us in the past.

56. The best is only you for the rest of your life, and the worst is only memories for the rest of your life. I hope we can both believe in love and love ourselves deeply at the same time.

57. How should I face the inconstancy of human nature. With tears. With silence.

58. After breaking up, we should not be friends. Because we are too familiar, we know where the knife hurts the most.

59. It seems that without me, there will be no mistakes in your life. When you are happy, you will still be happy. When you are sad, you will still be sad. In your world, I am equal to all things, maybe not as good as all things.

60. I really love you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed did not deceive me.

61. There is no legend of grass growing and birds flying in this city. It always lives in reality. I am being assimilated with fast drums, hurried figures, numb eyes and false smiles.

62. I think I am not mature enough to forgive betrayal.

63. I know that I have missed many things and always feel sad alone.

64. I pretended that nothing mattered, although I was exhausted.

65. You think of her when you accompany me. You can't see how hurt my smile is.

66. Don't torture me any more. My heart has been cut. It's not blood that you shed, it's the fault of loving you.

67. I believe and expect again and again, and I feel disappointed and cold again and again. I think I can no longer listen to the so-called arrangement and future. Even the most important waiting, I began to waver.

68. Please give up everything you decide to give up. Those who decide not to meet again really don't want to meet again. Please don't let me betray myself again.

69. The truth will hurt us for a while, but the lie will hurt us for life.

70. Sometimes, it is just for love that we hide quietly. What we hide is our figure, but what we cannot hide is our silent feelings.

71. My mind is full of your betrayal. You really don't deserve my treasure.

72. When you were covered with thorns, I hugged you, and I smoothed all your edges and corners, but later I could only watch others holding you close to perfection.

73. An unacceptable love needs not sorrow, but time, a time that can be forgotten. A deeply hurt heart needs not sympathy, but understanding.

74. Sorry is only the reason for betrayal, and it doesn't matter that it's just an excuse for disappointment.

75. I am afraid of a person, but more afraid of betrayal of love.

76. Gradually get used to a person's life, become silent, become cold, lose reason, do not want to say, do not want to see.

77. I refuse all people's favor, waiting for your uncertain future.

78. I always thought that love was an exam. As long as I worked harder and harder, I could get satisfactory results. Later, I learned that almost everything in the world can be achieved through hard work, but love cannot.

79. Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury. Cruel people choose to hurt others, good people choose to hurt themselves.

80. Buying me a floral skirt is the simplest dream of my young hormone.

81. It will be very sad to be ignored by someone who cares especially, and what is more sad is that you have to pretend that you don't care.

82. At the moment, I am in a bad mood. I am suddenly disappointed with my husband. It is not that I don't love him, but that I don't know how to express love. In marriage, your efforts and returns must be balanced, so that you won't feel resentful.

83. Emotional affairs can be disintegrated in an instant. Just like us. It broke up in a moment.

84. I have never changed, just learned to disguise. Stumbling through the most sad and gloomy moments of life, those most difficult times.