Copy of the circle of friends after 2022 (copy of the circle of friends on the New Year's Day of the Tiger Year)
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2023-06-05 04:03:09
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1. Sometimes in life, the cause is not successful, just like the river is not integrated into the sea, which is not enough strength, or not looking for the right direction. If you trickle the little drops into a stream, one day there will be a great surge.

2. Your efforts are the foundation for our growth. Your efforts are the driving force for our development. Your happiness is our goal, and your happiness is our common aspiration. Here comes 2022. I wish you a happy New Year and smooth work!

3. Thank you, support in 2022, bless you, care in 2022, remember you, friendship in 2022, warm you, help in 2022, may good luck cover you, good fortune surround you, opportunities surround you, wealth embrace you, and may you be happy and smooth in 2022.

4. Ten years of cultivation, ten years of sweat, ten years of achievements, looking back on the past ten years, looking forward to a more brilliant decade. It is always right to have love, and use our fervent love to sprinkle our way of life.

5. Each kind of trauma is another kind of maturity.

6. Where it exists, it blooms.

7. 2022 Generally speaking, I am calm and happy, painful and happy, annoyed and happy, and I have paid a lot of hard work; I have gained a lot. 2022 I look forward to becoming a stronger man and striving to be an indomitable man!

8. Goodbye, 2022! We should also face up to the great troubles in 2022.

9. Welcome to the last month of 2022. May we all be tenderly treated by time. Maybe youth has some regrets. Let regrets become good memories.

10. As long as I don't fall, I will change!

11. May life be like water in the present and poetry in the future. Of course, there will always be you.

12. Let all good, bad, some, and none become memories and strength with yesterday, and set out for tomorrow! Goodbye 2022, hello 2022!

13. There are lights in the dark and umbrellas in the rain. Sometimes I miss them and often feel lucky. Goodbye, 2022, hello, 2022.

14. Hello, the new 2022! I will greet every enemy with a smiling face.

15. I want to be a light in the darkness.

16. This year is like a roller coaster, and the last month is extremely busy, hoping for good luck next year.

17. Be kind to boring people, and you may end up working for a boring person. 2022, goodbye; Hello 2022!

18. It was the first time to make sausage stewed rice for the first day of the New Year. The pot has made great contributions. How are you going to bid farewell to the past and welcome the future?

19. I am willing to persist in believing that the future is still promising. Come on 2022!

20. Experience comes from the ups and downs of the past year, and success comes from the bumpy past year.

21. Fill your cup with the good wine of 2022, dry this cup of time, and let you forget all your sorrows; Fill your cup with the wine of 2022, drink this cup of wine, and wish you a grand future!

22. Wave your hand and bid farewell to the old days. 2022 will be gone with the wind; Think about the past, be busy, and strive to win in 2022; There are laughter, sorrow, and growth in 2022. Sweat and tears intertwined, 2022 will be a happy ending. May you work harder and make great achievements in 2022.

23. Forget about yesterday and start our new life today.

24. The flowers are blooming and the road to success is ahead. Everyone is intoxicated if he is not intoxicated by wine, and people praise him if his performance is high. One year's hard work turned into tears of joy. May you work harder in the New Year and make your career more brilliant!

25. A person can really grow up only if he is lovelorn once, fails once in his career, and makes a mistake in his choice at least once. So, don't be afraid to lose, everything is in time! Goodbye 2022, hello 2022.

26. The true heroism is to still love life after seeing the truth of life. Goodbye 2022, hello 2022.

27. Never give up what you really want. It's hard to wait, but it's harder to regret. Goodbye 2022, hello 2022.

28. Strive for a better life in the future.

29. People who are fascinated by mountain flowers and weeds will never reach the peak of infinite scenery. 2022, goodbye; Hello 2022!

30. After 2022, 2022 is coming. Let's welcome 2022 with a new attitude!

31. Coming from the bottom, I will not be afraid to return to that place, because I feel that there is nothing I can lose anymore. Goodbye, 2022, hello, 2022.

32. Smile. Success is not the goal. Goodbye, 2022, hello, 2022.

33. Strong confidence can make ordinary people do amazing things.

34. When encountering adversity, you should be grateful. This is a chance! Goodbye 2022, hello 2022!

35. Time is like a current. All the way forward, 2022 has come to an end in a blink of an eye. Goodbye to 2022, and hello to 2022. From this moment on, never lose time. Life is about being crazy, persistent, desperate and outstanding.

36. With everyone's support and solidarity, we went very smoothly in. With everyone's efforts and hard work, we went very successfully in. I hope you will continue to work hard. I hope that the whole family will unite and work together to create brilliant achievements in.

37. Time goes back and forth, and dreams remain unchanged. 2022, my determination and perseverance will surely defeat you!

38. Finally, we completely bid farewell to the past, get rid of the psychological shadow and welcome the bright future. I believe my prince is on his way.

39. Let me lose some of the most important things, and at the same time get a better and better self. Goodbye 2022, goodbye to the most important things. 2022.