Selected words of encouragement written to children before the exam (36 sentences)
Precipitation of years
2023-05-16 23:34:11
Complete sentences

1. The college entrance examination paper is a ruler with uneven scales: for yourself, the score of difficult problems may not be high.

2. Hey, you still have time to read SMS? It proves that you didn't study hard: but since you saw this message, I still want to tell you what I have always wanted to say: the exam went well, work together!

3. The child's final exam is not ideal, but it is also a lesson. I hope to work harder in the future. I believe you will go there. Come on!

4. In the face of the "first 120 points" of the college entrance examination paper, I am determined to win, and I will not donate anything; "The last 30 points" are more than good.

5. Have fun after the final exam, and forget all the lessons reviewed with indulgent happiness!

6. Do each wrong question three times. The first time: when making comments; The second time: one week later; The third time: before the exam.

7. Mom and Dad believe that you can treat each exam with a peaceful attitude. The current score is not the main thing. It is most important to adjust your attitude to meet the college entrance exam! Come on, son!

8. Don't run around at home, write the homework left by the teacher, and try to get better results in the final exam.

9. The significance of the exam lies in the process of your real involvement. Please be sure to adhere to faith, and keep the clouds open to see the moon! I wish you success!

10. I wish you will achieve ideal results in the exam. May you face the exam with my best wishes and a good mood!

11. When parting opens the curtains, when memories sleep on my chest, it's really sad to say goodbye, only love is still brilliant! Auld Lang Syne! The exam went well, and we made a breakthrough in life!

12. Accumulate day by day, work hard little by little, move forward step by step, gather bit by bit, and finally arrive at the day of examination. Relax, smile and keep confidence, you will have a brilliant life.

13. Don't be nervous when taking the exam. Try your best to play it as an exercise.

14. I hope all the examinees in the country can take the final exam with a normal attitude, give play to their own level, and enter the ideal school. I sincerely wish you all the best.

15. Tomorrow is the final exam. You don't have to get up at 6 o'clock. You can swim every day. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new life. You must not be worried. Have a good dream tonight!

16. The wind is blowing quietly, and the phoenix flower is revealing its purples. Dear friends, please shake hands, and tomorrow we will go west and east! But don't forget our agreement: the final exam is successful!

17. Life is the most beautiful! Believe in yourself and face each exam calmly. As long as you face it calmly, you will let your energy burst out.

18. Wave your hand and let you go first. I hope you will always remember my natural smile. The final exam is coming as scheduled. I hope you and I will meet again in the ideal school!

19. Tomorrow is the last exam. It's also a very important exam for me. My little brother will certainly bring me good luck. Come on, you are the best. Come on, you are the best.

20. Best regards and best wishes to you: I wish you a smooth exam!

21. Work hard! No matter what the result is, there will always be rewards for what you pay! Today's exam, you should maintain a stable state, naturally calm, the exam is no big deal, I wish you a successful start!

22. When memories sleep on my chest, it's really sad to say goodbye, only love is still brilliant! Auld Lang Syne! The exam went well, and we made a breakthrough in life!

23. Go to bed early. Don't suddenly stay up late before the exam. This is a sign of nervousness. Face the exam easily!

24. The exam was so busy that countless examinees stayed up all night, and the ancestors of the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty had to copy it. Genghis Khan, a generation of Tianjiao, only handed in the white paper. After the approval, count the celebrities and retake the exam!

25. Don't consider your own ranking and score in the exam, answer the questions easily, and your efforts will eventually pay off.

26. Try your best to get a better result in the final exam! perseverance prevails!

27. With little effort, step by step, and little by little convergence, it is finally the day of the exam. Relax, smile and keep confidence, you will have a brilliant life.

28. Today is also a beautiful day. I believe I can pass the exam this time, I believe I can survive this 20 days, I believe I can, I must be patient, I must have methods, you are the best.

29. The exam is coming. Let go of the tension in your study in the past and face it with a calm mind. I believe you will get your ideal results. May good luck accompany you all the time!

30. Mom is very satisfied with your Chinese exam results, and feels that it is proportional to your efforts. I hope you will continue to work hard to achieve better results by the end of the term.

31. With so much focus on the exam, countless examinees have stayed up all night. Cherish the Qin Emperor and Han Wu. They are too timid. Tang Zong and Song Zu had to copy them. Genghis Khan, a generation of Tianjiao, finally handed in the white paper.

32. Are you all right? Your old classmates from afar sincerely wish you a golden nomination in this year's final exam, win the first prize, enter the ideal university in your heart, and then enter the ivory tower of life!

33. The college entrance examination is a comprehensive examination comparing knowledge, ability, psychology, confidence and physical strength.

34. Dear students, the final exam is coming. I hope you can get good results and achieve your ideal results.

35. The exam is coming. I hope my greetings will be sent to you. It's relaxing and refreshing. Don't be too nervous! Wish you pass the exam.

36. Listen to the school leaders and teachers at school, do not run around at home, write the homework left by the teachers, and strive for better results in the final exam.