Sentences from missing brothers to heartbreaking
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2023-04-20 02:03:56
Heartbreaking Sentences

1. I just want a real relationship, not too much gorgeous, simple is good.

2. The child looking up at the sky is not sad, and the 45 ° elevation is just a disguised gesture.

3. Everyone has a sadness that they want to hide but want to cover up.

4. I never thought that I would meet you before. I never thought that you would leave after meeting you. I never thought that I would forget after you left.

5. My tears flowed down and irrigated the soft grass below. I don't know if I will have a memory and sorrow in the coming year.

6. The word of heart is still missing, love is stranded, life is discrete, but I can't get down that stroke all the time, and I will leave my missing in that watery year.

7. The day is cool, I have grown up, learn to smile, learn to be strong, learn not to shed tears, but still learn not to forget her.

8. I don't know whether I can meet you in the next life, so I will work so hard to give you the best.

9. I know that I am not a good recorder, but I like to look back on the way I came more than anyone else. I keep looking back and stopping, but I still run forward vigorously under the time.

10. When the once beautiful garden turned into red, I knew that the winter of love had come silently. There is no one to accompany me, but I stand alone in the cold wind to feel the piercing cold, the depression everywhere and the sadness of the whole season.

11. I thought that if I covered my eyes, I could not see the world; I thought that if I covered my ears, I could not hear all my troubles; Thought that when the pace stopped, the heart could not travel far; The love I need is just a hug.

12. This memory has been stranded into a legend for many years. I paint the yellow years on the title page of this memory. Your smile falls silently from my thoughts, and my breath falls gently from your fingertips. Will this bone carving and this tenderness wither our young hearts? The wind blows the broken fleeting years like flowers, and your smile shakes and becomes the most beautiful ornament in my life. Look at the sky, the snow, and the deep shadow of the season.

13. Maybe, what God doesn't give me, no matter how tightly my arms are fastened, still leaks; Give me, no matter how I lost in the past will have.

14. Perhaps it is the absurdity of being used to love but not to love. Hand in hand can be anyone, because it says love you.

15. Love is like flashback, read the ending before copying the original. Looking at you in the volume of youth is full of loneliness, every time you look through it, you feel very sad. You didn't leave anything, but I have the idea of spending my whole life.