Sentences about describing friendship in childhood
Tang Monk likes to be elegant when washing his hair
2023-06-28 02:04:48
Sentences of friendship

1. Of course, I'm talking about Nanxiang. If it's Tang Wanru, I'll ask you if she raped the man, poured him into a pile of coke with sulfuric acid, and then buried him in the corn field outside the Songjiang River.

2. Sorry, Susan, I have to hang up first. I'll call you in one minute and forty seconds. I don't know why. There is a woman here who insists on brushing me with a thing like an iron shovel several times when I call

3. The essence of youth is loneliness, or loneliness pervades the whole youth.

4. When we all think that life has become too bad to be bad, God will always have a way to go beyond our imagination and make everything more corrupt. We, as a group, have shared our secrets, joys, sorrows and pains together since childhood.

5. But now I want to continue to live in love, live longer than love, and live as love itself. You must believe that there will be a person you love in this world. He will walk through the turbulent crowd in this world, walk past them one by one, walk towards you with full enthusiasm and heavy love, and grasp you. You have to wait.

6. The love without material is just a cover of weakness. When it is blown by the wind, or even not blown by the wind, it will be scattered when you walk slowly for a few steps.

7. Our pain comes from love. But our happiness also comes from love.

8. It is such a long and gray winter - our love, hate, moved, sad. Our past, our present, our infinitely distant future. In the grass green age when we call for friends, we have a long night of chatting.

9. Little by little, time goes by and we say goodbye. We slowly walked to a place marked by God.

10. I'm crazy? Yes, I am a psychopath. Do you want me to share my neurotic life with you?

11. This is the strongest syllable of tragedy - the huge sad sound of the deep violin that permeates the whole empty world.

12. After the heavy rain ended, a rare hail swept across an ice ball the size of a ping-pong ball in Pudong in June, falling down from the sky rapidly and violently

13. Rotating, colorful material world. It is the most cruel and fair cold world that is exchanged at the same price.

14. The huge yellow moon overhead evenly smears the flowing light in the dark dense forest

15. The typhoon, which had just landed, rolled over the top of the head, like setting off a wave, roaring towards the distant horizon and leaving a huge sound wave, taking away the noise of heart beating, leaving a smooth silence in the world under the dark night