Individualized copywriting that attracts people
The smoke lasts like a picture
2023-05-13 05:30:01
Complete sentences

1. For the rest of my life, I will not blow gentle wind or drink strong liquor.

2. The reason for each collapse seems to others to be making a mountain out of a molehill, and only their own hearts know how much grief this straw has crushed.

3. It is better to put down the burden and enjoy life than to bear the burden and suffer; Instead of complaining about the unfair fate of life, it is better to smile calmly at life.

4. If no one takes good care of you, it will be so cool that there is no weakness. You can't be destroyed emotionally if you are so good.

5. Go out for a walk, see different landscapes, contact different people and things, and you will find that your troubles are so insignificant.

6. If you are only in your twenties, don't be busy living a stable life. It doesn't matter if your income fluctuates, or if you are lovelorn for several times. Ability is a kind of stress response under pressure. If you are used to ease in your twenties, it is hard to make great achievements in the next life.

7. The oath can neither measure fidelity nor judge right or wrong. It can only prove that at the moment of speaking, each other was sincere.

8. All affectations and complaints, growls and depression are due to the lack of money and love.

9. The one who never forgets is the one who becomes the past; The people who recite and talk are the people around us now.

10. Your value should be defined by yourself. Do not raise the price because of others' pursuit, do not depreciate with the outside world's bludgeon, and do not drown in those vague praise or criticism.

11. May your future encounters match your luck, your gains match your efforts, and your loss is just a understatement of what you no longer want.

12. If you have no deep hatred for yourself, I suggest you stay away from the person who always makes you miserable, and then be a good person who treats you well.

13. The most unforgettable person is the one who helps you when you are in trouble; The last person you can make friends with is the one who despises you when you fail; The most unbelievable thing is the person who praises you when you succeed; The person who can't be abandoned is the one who shares weal and woe with you; The last thing you can love is someone who doesn't value your personality.

14. Cao Cao has intimate friends no matter how treacherous he is. Liu Bei has sworn enemies no matter how good he is. So don't care too much about what other people think of you. Do your own thing well and follow your own path.

15. Everyone is waiting for you to grow up, but no one is accompanying you to grow up, and no one cares how you grow up.

16. The world itself is unfair, even the globe is always tilted!

17. Only those who have money dare to be the most authentic self, and those who have no money can only be the likeable self.

18. Until now, I understand that no matter how deep the feelings are, they can be alienated in a moment. That is unspeakable bitterness. Once there is a crack, it is impossible to return to the original glass. It is also a gap that can never be closed. You can only watch those people who once thought the most important people are going away.

19. The things that make you sad now will not matter when you look back for a long time. The reason why you take pain so seriously is that you haven't experienced enough.

20. When you talk to people, you hope they are garbage cans, and no one will refuse. After talking, I hope he is a safe and airtight.

21. If you are unhappy, go out for a walk. The world is so big, the scenery is beautiful, and there are many opportunities. When the sun passes through the trees and reflects the gorgeous rainbow, you will marvel at the beauty of life.

22. There is only one kind of true heroism in the world, that is, after recognizing the truth of life, still love life.

23. People who have coaxed others deserve to be wronged; Those who love seriously deserve to be hurt. May you be a heroine who can cut through the thorns and be loved by others.

24. A part of life can be met but not sought. Now that you meet it, don't hesitate to grasp it, otherwise it will be too late to regret missing it. The word "regret" is easy to write, but it is the hardest pain in life.

25. Don't disturb anyone when you are in a low ebb. Be a silent mute. After surviving this period of time, no one will give you any sugar.

26. Beauty and beauty are two different things. A pair of eyes can not be beautiful, but the eyes can be beautiful. A face that is not marked enough can have a lovely look, and an imperfect figure can have a good look and behavior.

27. When we were young, we all grew up, so we were naive and happy. When they grow up, they will grow up without growing up, and they will be very tired. -- Zhang Xiaoxian