Inspirational Quotes of Struggle in 2023
You said I always think too much
2023-05-11 07:32:55
Complete sentences

1. Be light and true. There are too many sweetness, joys and sorrows on the road of life. We also have to face all of them. When everyone falls, we have to stand up firmly. Where we fall, we can get up. The difficulties in front are only temporary. We would rather fight for the freedom of the turbulent waves than hide in the haven of no one.

2. Happiness is like the sand in your hand. The tighter you hold it, the faster you lose it. Perhaps the love of a long time will last longer, and the love of a quiet person will be more stable, and the heart of silent devotion will be the most true

3. The most important thing in life is not a certain result, but the process of our life. Not every effort will be rewarded, not every persistence will be seen, not every effort will be treated fairly, not every good will will be understood... This is life. Many times, we need a little patience and courage.

4. I don't know what will happen to me and my people in the future. Maybe, I really can only run with my eyes closed. It's not that I can't open my eyes, but I will be more depressed when I open my eyes. It will be better if I close my eyes and continue to run.

5. What kind of knowledge structure people have, what kind of achievements things will make.

6. After leaving some baggage behind, you will be surprised that you can fly so high.

7. It is better to be caught than suffocated.

8. Home in the distance, I worked hard to take care of myself and live a hard life. I also worked hard for my favorite things every day, except you don't like me.

9. Really good to a person, it doesn't matter that there is something in return; Pay a love silently, only care about the importance. good night!

10. Although management is an art, management workers, like other practitioners, can do their work better if they understand and use basic scientific knowledge.

11. The pendulum of man always swings between the two poles, and happiness is one of them; To stop the pendulum at one of its poles, you can only break the clock. [French writer] Roman Roland

12. Time can't be stolen, time can't be wiped away. When I look back on my childhood dream, I am ashamed of myself when I was as clean as paper.

13. When you have a goal, you should take action. Don't get intoxicated with colorful ideas. If you don't work hard for it, it will always be just a beautiful soap bubble, which will eventually break; Don't hesitate in the face of the thorns and obstacles on the road to success. Don't let the boiling thoughts cool down by waiting for the "best opportunity".

14. Don't be hard on yourself. Try to be your best self, appreciate yourself, treat yourself well, and manage yourself well. One day, you will shine brightly. Life does not seek to compare with others, but to surpass oneself.

15. The toad wants to eat the swan meat. Good, little guy has ambition.

16. If someone annoys you, you should immediately jump on it, bite it and never let it go. What is this, crab!

17. As long as we live, life will slide forward without any hindrance, which is no doubt not a bad thing. Even if there are ups and downs, it is not impossible to make use of them to make your life interesting and interesting. For this reason, it is better to abandon innocence, keep pride and learn to be calm. Through more or less efforts, people will be able to live the life they want.

18. Girls should work hard. Life will not pity you just because you are a girl. As long as you are willing to work hard, time will give you what you want.

19. If you were fearless, what would you do?

20. As long as you are brave to go to the blog, you can create your own world to achieve excellence in life. No matter whether the outcome is perfect or not, at least you enjoy the process of struggle, which is the success of life and the winner.

21. Work for study, not for money. Don't accept a job for money, but value the experience it can bring you.

22. If you want to change the world, you must first learn to change yourself.

23. If waiting can bring miracles, I would like to wait for a year or a lifetime. good night!

24. Success is a habit, and failure is also a habit. Your habits can't be changed, but you can use good habits instead. Success is simple, as long as simple things are repeated and habits are formed, that's all.

25. Firm, strong, persistent, indifferent, and attached. Whether those who once cared for each other in our lives come or not, whether they are here or not, we hope that we can all stand in an elegant posture and guard in the back garden of our hearts, never leave, not far away, not near, silently stay together, and be silent and happy.

26. There is no innate confidence, only confidence that is constantly cultivated.

27. You began to ignore me. I thought you were dead. Every time I thought you were dead, I couldn't eat. Hmm, I'm so kind.

28. Static is wind, static is leaf, static is a light spring rain; Warm is the day, warm is the ground, warm is a touch of light heart; good night!

29. It is unnecessary to tell you who I am, just as I have never asked who you are. Painting the Bad Man in the Jianghu

30. When life is not satisfactory, it is a long holiday given by God. You should enjoy the holiday at this time. When one day's holiday ended suddenly, fortune turned and life really began—— From the film Long Vacation

31. The road of life is long, but there are only a few key steps. If you dye it yellow, it will be yellow. If you choose correctly, you can get twice the result with half the effort and help the sea with cloud sails!