A Complete Collection of Aesthetic Sentences in Music (79 selected sentences)
General construction on the road to success
2023-06-16 16:04:36
Complete sentences

1. The sound of the pipa is like a silver vase. The pearls and jade fly in

2. Under environmental pressure, music is driftwood.

3. The sound of the zither is high, like an eagle hitting the sky.

4. When my brother is rich, I will buy the bus and drive it myself

5. You don't believe that you have a strong aura. Look, those annoying flies are all around you.

6. Beautiful soul, beautiful songs.

7. The customer said, "Why is the wine you sell tasteless?" The waiter took it and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mix it with you."

8. Just like the spring breeze on the south bank of the "Youlu River", it is silent.

9. I heard someone mention my original intention, and my eyes turned red several times.

10. Time can heal a broken heart. Always believe that everything will change. No matter how badly hurt you are or how poor you are, you should stick to it.

11. Those who are confident in themselves and review very well are more calm. This exam is not the hardest battle for them, because they are fully prepared to fight.

12. I am not alarmist in saying this, but something really happened.

13. We do not produce cordyceps sinensis, we are just cleaners of these cordyceps.

14. He gently rubbed the pipa and played it. The clanking sound is like drops of water. Into the depths of the heart.

15. Other plants in the desert can't survive without sunshine, water and fertilizer. They will never shrink from any difficulties when facing a soldier in a storm. They are always so brave.

16. A long erhu. Grief, desolation, wisps of thread. Want to break and connect. Like a light cloud floating unsteadily.

17. Elegant piano sound matches the melody. Like dew dripping on flowers.

18. Life is short, cherish every minute of life. Create happiness, let happiness hover around life; Drive away troubles and put them out of the clouds; Create love, let love moisten every bit of life.

19. It's no use saying anything. You won't believe me after all.

20. Flute and clarinet came running in groups like naughty children.

21. This song is melodious and sweet, pure and pleasant.

22. When the heart moves, everything recovers and everything runs to joy. When you are sad, you will disappear, and everything will be sighed.

23. When I was young, I thought that love could be earth shaking. When I grew up, I found that love was just a game

24. There is a bright and beautiful landscape painting in the sound of the zither. The secluded spring flows out from the mountain stream and forms a deep pool like a jade. There are layers of fine ripples in the pool, and a golden moon spreads in the water.

25. Reading is a noble enjoyment for a cultured person; I cherish books, which are my favorite hobby—— Gorky's "Reading a disturbing book"

26. The sound of the zither is as cheerful as in the spring when all flowers are in full bloom. The drooping willow branches graze the stream, and the agate like reindeer are leisurely eating grass on the river rocks.

27. Victory will be guaranteed as long as millions of workers unite as one person and follow the outstanding figures of their own class—— Zhan Tianyou