Non mainstream aesthetic sentimental sentences (77 selected sentences)
Life is as light as tea
2023-07-19 05:57:28
Complete sentences

1. When I was young, happiness was very simple; Grow up, simple is very happy!

2. I can only watch the last bus of happiness go away - not that I missed it, but that I couldn't squeeze it at all.

3. The left is a journey that cannot be returned, and the right is happiness that cannot be embraced.

4. If you can't put yourself in your heart, you have no wisdom; There is no mercy when you can't let others go.

5. Life is too short to get tomorrow if you give up today.

6. A person's voice, no one can understand, walking alone in the crowd.

7. No matter how beautiful it is, it can't resist forgetting. No matter how sad it is, it can't stand time.

8. It's better to be yourself than to play tricks in other people's lives.

9. The premise of a person's luck is that he has the ability to change himself.

10. Two people love each other because they are happy together. If they want to be together when they are unhappy, they love each other.

11. There is a feeling called forbearance, and there is a kind of abandonment called

12. Rose said: not all flowers represent love; Diamond said: Not all diamonds represent eternity.

13. The happiest thing every day is to watch my wife slap her face after putting on makeup water, and listen to the sound of "Pa Pa" while silently saying: "Let me wash my socks, let me pick up the children, let me not drink, let me not play games, fight, fight, fight hard!"!

14. The heart is a pocket. Less stuff is called the heart, more stuff is called the heart, more stuff is called the mind, more stuff is called the mind.

15. No books in the world can bring you good luck, but they can make you become yourself quietly.

16. If marriage is the tomb of love, then -- blind date is to watch geomantic omen for the tomb, to express oneself is to dig the tomb, marriage is to die for love, empathy is to move the tomb, and the third party is to steal the tomb.

17. Love is a high fever. Those who get married with a fever go away. Those who get rid of the fever are burning.

18. I am a lonely tree, standing on the roadside for thousands of years, waiting lonely, just for one day when you pass by me, I will fall for you. If I can't smash you, I will live in vain.

19. The belief of success is like an alarm clock in the human brain, it will wake you up when you need it.

20. The so-called stranger means that we don't know each other at first, and we don't know each other at last.

21. Greed is the most real poverty, and satisfaction is the most real wealth.

22. The so-called eternal love is from blooming to falling, from beauty to white hair.

23. The wise man regards letting go as progress, and the fool regards letting go as despair --- as much as you can let go, there will be as much happiness.

24. The reason why people suffer is that they pursue the wrong things.

25. We should learn to be grateful. It is enough that he came and I loved him.

26. I hope to lie on the sunflower and face the sun even if I am depressed.