Film My 1919: College Students' Comments
I'm afraid of the heart
2023-08-10 18:01:48

On November 11, 1918, the first world war was won, and the film slowly opened in the sound of cheers. At that time, China, a victorious country, participated in the Paris Peace Conference to stabilize the situation and restore peace after the victory, and discussed the issue of China's land occupied by Germany. However, under such a victorious background, China, as a victorious country, seems so powerless. The film gives me the greatest feeling that China is helpless in front of the world and has almost no right to speak. "Weak countries have no diplomacy" reminds us all the time.

The main character of this film is Gu Weijun, the then Chinese envoy to the United States and plenipotentiary. The whole film is launched from its perspective, with the help of narration. In his body, I saw the pride of being a Chinese, just as others commented on him that "he is a real Chinese with pigtails cut". I admire his wisdom and unyielding, but under the weak government of China at that time, his wisdom did not get the maximum play. Even though China was the victor at that time, the Chinese government still gave diplomatic representatives the task of negotiating an unequal agreement with Japan, rather than standing tall. I remember the words of a diplomat inside made me quite indignant. "A great country", China has boasted itself as a great power for thousands of years, and has always kept the sad concept of the Chinese Dynasty. I thought I was very tall, but I had a servility that could not be eliminated after being suppressed. Even if I cut the braid, I still have a braid in my heart. This is my most direct feeling of the Chinese government at that time.

At the beginning of the film, Gu Weijun is tough. For the humiliation of power, he can stand up and fight back quickly. He is called a mouse and is appreciated by many people. The speech at the meeting touched many people. It was really cool to open the air field. However, with the telegrams sent by the Chinese government, it showed China's attitude and yielded to the powerful government. The Chinese representatives have been supported hard, but they have been abandoned again and again by the government. Lu Zhengxiang felt cowardly when I first met him, but later I changed my opinion. He was more like a conservative and didn't want to be too sharp. Gu Weijun is different. He is more like a fire, announcing China's determination to the world directly. The Chinese delegates are all patriotic, and maybe not all dare to stand up like Gu Weijun, but they were very tough at the last moment and refused to sign the peace treaty.

The representative of China has been struggling to seek justice, but the words of a powerless country do not carry much weight. I am most impressed by Gu Weijun's two lines of tears, which in my opinion contain a lot of things. There is disappointment with the national government, irretrievable despair of the status quo, and sadness at the inability to fulfill the people's urgent hopes. That was really the most painful time for a patriot. "There are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests." This sentence is indeed true. Every country stands in line for interests. Even if some countries have sympathy for China, they will still choose the side that is beneficial to their own country. This is the most indifferent rule in the world, but it is also the most suitable for survival.

An organization, the Federation, runs through the film. President Xiao Kejian has been marching for China. When they stopped Gu Weijun and asked him to promise not to sign the peace treaty, I didn't really agree with them. Why did these people not make trouble with the government, but instead they held on to the diplomats controlled by the Chinese government. Isn't it the government that they should look for most? Later, in the raging fire, I seemed to understand something that Xiao Kejian's death might not change the form at that time, but could promote the development of the domestic movement. That belief is not something that people like us in peacetime can possess and understand.

Finally, China refused to sign the peace treaty. The May 4th Movement in China was in full swing. A flame was burning on the land of China. My heart was excited. Even if I was not in that era, I could feel that passion. The deep love for my motherland would never change in my bones.