Our New Era Film Impressions
Fengyun Purple Autumn
2023-08-08 16:45:36
Grade 6
reaction to a book or an article

"Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, which is a new historical orientation for China's development."
This new era is an era that inherits the past and ushers in the future, inherits the past and ushers in the future, and continues to win the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the new historical conditions.
This conference convened by our party has opened a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This conference does not represent the negation and end of previous ideas and achievements. On the contrary, this conference undertakes the major task of planning a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and deepening the socialist modernization drive, which is related to the cause of the party and the country, It concerns the future and destiny of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of our people. Our party has always played a vanguard and exemplary leading role, always putting the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people first in all matters, always following the working principle of moving from the masses to the masses, and persisting in serving the people for so long.
As a youth in the new era, we should deeply understand and implement the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, enrich our spiritual world, and become an outstanding youth in the new era!
Comment: The article connects the past and the future, echoing the beginning and the end, making a pun. It expresses the patriotic feelings of the author, with fluent and vivid language.