63 cultivated proverbs
Profound style
2023-02-13 22:53:08
English Proverbs

1、 Be advised to eat well.

2、 No dog comes out of a tiger's door.

3、 Think big and give way to small.

4、 There is no right or wrong in speaking to your face.

5、 Don't abandon others' words as you wish.

6、 A man mends his mouth, a horse mends his tail.

7、 A man without shame can do everything.

8、 Humanity, righteousness and morality are indispensable.

9、 Be steady in your work and ruthless in your correction.

10、 It's hard to be a man, and even harder to be a good man.

11、 Public first, private first.

12、 Follow the truth in everything and accumulate good fortune.

13、 Eating too much hurts the body, and anger hurts the mind.

14、 A gentleman has a large capacity and a small popularity.

15、 The weather is dry and rainy, and people are irritable.

16、 Minor mistakes cannot be corrected, and major ones cannot be corrected.

17、 If you have something to do, you should correct it. If you have nothing to do, you should give more encouragement.

18、 Burn yourself and illuminate others.

19、 Never stop knowing, never be ashamed.

20、 Be lenient in blaming others and strict in blaming yourself.

21、 Suit yourself to the situation, respect and inferiority.

22、 People should not be jealous when they are happy.

23、 Help people in a timely manner, and help people with heart.

24、 A gentleman is straightforward, while a villain is worried.

25、 Diligence in learning leads to wealth and frugality.

26、 Better be him than me.

27、 Always have a sense of self denial, and keep the Dharma.

28、 Without good conduct, it is difficult to be popular.

29、 He loves his disciples as his son, and respects his teachers as his father.

30、 Face is not size, but thickness.

31、 Heroes are not afraid of death.

32、 If you want people to respect you, you should respect people first.

33、 It is difficult to be poor without complaint, and easy to be rich without pride.

34、 The greatest secret of morality is love.

35、 Never exhaust the joys of others, never exhaust the loyalty of others.

36、 Don't rely on yourself to show your talent, and don't try to be lucky.

37、 If you can bear a moment's anger, you will not worry for a hundred days.

38、 Be responsible for others and yourself, love yourself and love others.

39、 Gold can be gained if it is lost, but it is hard to get back if it is disgraced.

40、 Don't forgive yourself, but be tolerant of others.

41、 Politeness can often replace the noblest feelings.

42、 Speak civilized language, do civilized things and be civilized people.

43、 A prime minister can run a horse on his head and a ship in his belly.

44、 A nickname is given by parents, but a bad name is made by oneself.

45、 Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small.

46、 A gentleman's travel to the world is also based on virtue, so he does not suffer from non position.

47、 A gentleman cannot eat enough eggs.

48、 Luxury is messy and thrifty, and safety is in sight.

49、 School is the place of learning, and civilization is the foundation of success.

50、 Learn etiquette, think of the best when you see the best, and introspect when you see the worst.

51. Let the world bear me down; I will never fail the world.

52. Young people should stop laughing at the anemones. How long can the flowers bloom.

53. If the light is unknown, someone should dial it; If people don't know, they should be told.

54. Qiongzhou's civilization has yielded fruitful results, and the reclamation area has opened new flowers in harmony.

55. It is wrong to use scheming, but think backward and step wide.

56. Don't forget a poor wife and a poor friend.

Fifty seven. I am still proud when I am old. How can I stoop to flatter the power king.

58. A good word is warm in winter, while a bad word hurts in June.

59. Many words are lost because of wine, while friendship is broken only for money.

60. The birds fly far with the phoenix, and the people follow the sages.

61. Etiquette and politeness are a letter of recommendation to all parties.

62. Be respectful, do good deeds, and be a man of propriety.

63. Reason is higher than mind, and thought is more reliable than emotion.