86 famous sayings of civilized morality
One meter sunshine
2023-07-25 21:08:17
A complete list of famous sayings

1. There is no standing without learning etiquette—— Confucius

2. A gentleman worries about morality but not poverty—— Kongqiu

3. To govern the people in peace, one should not be good at propriety—— The Book of Filial Piety

4. Ritual Week is all powerful and pacifies people - Jouber

5. A man with propriety is safe, and a man without propriety is dangerous—— The Book of Rites

6. Rudeness is the illegitimate child of ignorance—— Butler

7. It is self disrespect to disrespect others—— Old Tang Script

8. Tufu can be used as a city wall, and accumulated virtue can be used as a thick land—— Li Bai

9. Rites are the way of heaven and the way of people—— Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals

10. Those who are extravagant and lazy are poor, while those who are diligent and thrifty are rich—— Han Fei

11. Politeness is the golden key to human coexistence—— Songsuneji

12. Morality should not be confused by things—— (Spring and Autumn Period) Guan Zhong

13. Courtesy is close to ceremony, but it is far from disgrace. Respect is no insult—— The Analects of Confucius

14. Morality should be the guiding light of science—— Buffler

15. Politeness can often replace the noblest feelings—— Merime

16. Rite, therefore, is proper; Teacher, so it's proper etiquette—— Xun Kuang

17. Good manners consist of small sacrifices—— Emerson

18. It is not necessarily reasonable to speak aggressively—— Sadi

19. Looking at the country and family of the former sages, success has changed from diligence and thrift to extravagance—— Li Shangyin

20. Luxury is messy and thrifty, and safety is in sight—— Bai Juyi

21. It is not that we cannot see justice, but we are afraid that we will see justice without courage—— Xie Juezai

22. Sympathy is the highest virtue in all morality—— Bacon

23. If you deny the freedom of will, there is no morality—— Epictetus

24. People always love those who love others; Those who respect others will always respect them—— Menke

25. Rites are passed by the state to determine the state, order people, and benefit heirs—— Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals

26. The most sad thing for a person is the death of his conscience—— Guo Moruo

27. Reason is higher than mind, and thought is more reliable than emotion—— Golgi

28. Etiquette and politeness is a letter of recommendation to all parties—— Elizabeth

29. Be kind to others and be like brothers; The evil spirit welcomes people and harms the soldiers—— Guan Zhong

30. The most appetizing thing at a banquet is the host's etiquette—— Shakespeare

31. A person's politeness is a mirror that reflects his portrait—— Goethe

32. People cannot live like beasts, they should pursue knowledge and virtue—— Dante

33. If a person is rude, he will not be born; if a thing is rude, it will not be accomplished; if a country is rude, it will not be observed—— Confucius

34. Expenditures lead to more desires. If a gentleman desires more, he will admire wealth and honour, and will do harm quickly—— author of the history Zizhi Tongjian

35. Politeness is the easiest thing to do and the most precious thing—— Gonchard

36. Conscience is determined by human knowledge and all life styles—— Marx

37. Only leniency can help people, and only thickness can carry things. A gentleman carries things by virtue—— Easy to pass

38. Luxury always follows licentiousness, and licentiousness always follows luxury—— Montesquieu

39. If there is great courage in the world, he will not be surprised when he is suddenly confronted, and will not be angry when he is attacked—— Su Shi

40. Do a good deed with calm mind; If you do an evil thing, you will feel ashamed—— Shenhan Light

41. Living according to moral principles is a happy life—— Aristotle

42. Selflessness is a rare morality, because it is unprofitable—— Bertolt Brecht

43. Interest is a strategy devised by wise people to keep a distance from fools—— Emerson

44. We should be zealously committed to acting according to morality, rather than talking about morality—— Democritus

45. Etiquette is a strategy devised by wise people to keep a distance from fools—— Emerson

46. Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Only virtuous and virtuous can be submissive to others—— Liu Bei

47. Music is the only way to indulge without harming the enjoyment of moral and religious concepts—— Edison

48. Life is short, but even so, people still have time to pay attention to etiquette—— Love and give life

49. Do not respect the position, but do not respect the virtue; Don't be ashamed of your salary, but not of your wisdom—— Zhang Heng

50. If etiquette is higher than the moon, people will lose their sincere trust—— Bacon

51. Learn etiquette to improve oneself, understand the form and spirit of etiquette, observe the etiquette and be honest in society, and use etiquette to shine our country—— Zhao Shu

52. We should be zealously committed to acting according to morality rather than talking about morality -- Democritus (Greece)

53. Do not think of danger in times of peace, and refrain from extravagance and frugality; Si sought for luxuriance by cutting roots, and wanted to grow by stopping the source—— Wei Zheng

54. People should be honest, because there are the secrets of eloquence and virtue, and moral influence—— Amir

55. I firmly believe that only moral citizens can pay an acceptable salute to their motherland—— Rousseau

56. Politeness is not always a sign of wisdom, but impoliteness always makes people suspect its stupidity—— Randall

57. Morality can often fill the defects of wisdom, but wisdom can never fill the defects of morality—— Dante

58. The essence of self-cultivation is like the character of the same person, which ultimately comes down to the issue of moral sentiment—— Emerson

59. Politeness makes polite people happy, as well as those who are treated politely—— Montesquieu

60. Pride morality leads to abundance, then poverty, and finally discredit—— Franklin

61. It is not difficult to treat the rich and noble with courtesy, but with dignity; It is not difficult to be gracious and polite when you are poor—— Shidian

62. Don't accept all the gold and jade in the hall. The ancients were so ugly. Morality alone as a friend, it can delay immortality—— Ji Kang

63. People should be open-minded in wisdom, innocent in morality, and clean in body—— Chekhov

64. In a gentleman's trip, we should cultivate our moral integrity in a quiet way, and cultivate our morality in a frugal way. We should not be indifferent to our ambitions, nor quiet to our future—— Zhuge Liang

65. Morality is for human society to rise to a higher level and for human society to get rid of the labor exploitation system—— Lenin

66. The tyrant took two rivers alone, and most of his descendants came down with hundreds of cities. After the success of luxury, will you know both pleasure and disaster—— Wang Anshi

67. Consciousness is the mother of progress, and self abasement is the source of degeneration. Therefore, self abasement is indispensable—— leader in the National Salvation Movement

68. It is the most valuable quality to be free from dirt and the erosion of bourgeois sugar coated bullets—— Zhou Enlai

69. Politeness is the first thing that children and young people should be careful to form habits—— John Locke

70. Spleen bees sip honey from flowers and express their thanks when they leave. The flamboyant butterfly believes that the flower should thank him—— Tagore

71. Virtue is a treasure of spirit, but it is good manners that make it shine—— John Locke

72. The most advanced stage of human morality and culture is when we realize that reason should be used to control thought—— Darwin

73. It is the most important part of children's moral education to teach children to obey the truth, obey the collective, and develop children's conscious discipline—— Chen Heqin

74. Anyone who tightens his clothes and food on weekdays will easily get through the difficulties when he is poor; Who is luxurious when he is rich will die of hunger and cold when he is poor—— Sadi

75. I believe that the freedom combined with the system is the only freedom. Freedom should not only coexist with system and morality, but also be indispensable for a moment—— Burke

76. Civilization is to cultivate cultivated people - Ruskin's good manners consist of small sacrifices—— Emerson

77. Remember that you are not only a teacher of teaching, but also an educator of students, a mentor of life and a moral guide—— Sukhomlinski

78. We should take care that we don't use words to hurt other comrades, but when others use words to hurt ourselves, we should also be able to bear it—— Liu Shaoqi

79. Be careful, even when you are alone, don't say bad words or do bad things, but learn to be more ashamed of yourself than others—— Democritus

80. Etiquette is to add a layer of decoration to all his other virtues to make them effective for him and to gain respect and favor from all people close to him—— Locke

81. The ancient primary school, which teaches people to sweep, respond, advance and retreat, loves teachers, respects teachers, promotes teachers, and relatives and friends, all of which are the foundation of self-cultivation, family management, national governance, and world peace—— Zhu Xi

82. History makes people smart, poetry makes people witty, mathematics makes people sophisticated, philosophy makes people profound, morality makes people serious, logic and rhetoric make people good at debating—— Bacon,Francis

83. Collective habits are more powerful than individual habits. Therefore, if there is a social environment with good morality, it is most conducive to the training of good social citizens—— Bacon

84. History makes people wise, poetry makes people elegant, mathematics makes people noble, natural philosophy makes people deep, morality makes people stable, and ethics and rhetoric make people good at arguing—— Bacon

85. If a person can fill his heart with love for mankind, act in accordance with the noble moral law, and always revolve around the pivot of truth, then he will live in heaven even though he is on earth—— Bacon

86. If children arbitrarily let themselves do nothing but work, they will learn neither literature nor music, nor sports, nor the etiquette that guarantees the highest moral standards—— Democritus