59 personification sentences of birds
Old boy
2023-05-31 07:36:49
Anthropomorphic sentence

1、 The birds are singing beautiful songs on the branches.

2、 The woodpecker is seeing a doctor for Grandpa Dashu.

3、 The birds are singing spring songs on the branches.

4、 The birds are singing beautiful songs on the branches.

5、 The valley resounded with the graceful singing of birds.

6、 The seagulls shouted and flapped their wings vigorously.

7、 The swallow hummed a tune happily on the branch.

8、 Woodpeckers are busy looking after trees every day.

9、 The thrush on the branch stood up and sang.

10、 Swallows are singing beautiful songs on the branches.

11、 The pearl bird happily sang and flew back to the cage.

12、 Swallows are singing beautiful pop songs on the branches.

13、 Woodpeckers see doctors for trees, like tree doctors.

14、 The bird patted its own throat and sang softly.

15、 In spring, cuckoo hummed and walked along with the spring flowers.

16、 The pearl bird was thirsty and jumped onto my cup to drink.

17、 The lark sang happily on the branch.

18、 At daybreak, the swan stretched and got ready to get up.

19、 The cuckoo bird seems to call its relatives in the distance!

20、 Cuckoo coos to remind people of the opportunity to work.

21、 The woodpecker kept kissing the bark with its beak.

22、 Little Swallow built a house with two rooms and one living room on the tree.

23、 Swallow ran happily to Spring Mother and returned to her arms.

24、 The lark cheerfully called its distant companion on the treetop.

25、 A thrush stood on a twig and sang happily.

26、 Lark is like my good friend, singing to me and making me happy.

27、 Kingfisher perched on a small branch by the river and looked proudly at the water.

28、 Kingfisher, with its sharp eyes open, is monitoring all activities around.

29、 A thrush bird skims across the lake with light steps in the breeze.

30、 Lonely swallow, alone in the corner, crying in a low voice.

31、 Spring girl is back, and sister swallow is back from her holiday in the south.

32、 The waterfowl stood on the willow branches and sang, accompanying the music of Spring Girl.

33、 Kingfisher wriggles its body and sings loudly, which is really pleasing.

34、 The bird sang and danced in the sky.

35、 The woodpecker doctor is catching those pests with his long needle.

36、 The songs of birds are intertwined, like a beautiful music.

37、 The swan was very proud, and when walking, she did not take her eyes off the ostrich beside her.

38、 A bird is singing happily on the branch, like a happy child!

39、 In spring, swallows come here dressed in black tuxedos, singing cheerful songs.

40、 The water bird stood on the willow tree and sang. The flowing water accompanied him and played a symphony.

41、 Woodpeckers persist in treating trees every day in order to bring good news to nature.

42、 The kingfisher stretched out its legs to kick open the reed stalk, picked up the small fish, and flew away contentedly.

43、 The birds let out their voices and began to sing like little singers. It was very pleasant.

44、 The eagle's eyes were like the eyes of a wolf, staring at Yungui's two small hands, looking up and down.

45、 The little yellow warbler is singing a beautiful song happily on the branch. The sound is really beautiful.

46、 In the orchard, sparrows chirp. In the orchard, sparrows chattered about something.

47、 The eagle circled in the sky and suddenly jumped at the rabbit, as if playing a trick on it.

48、 The birds fly freely in the sky, as if to take in all the beautiful scenery.

49、 The thrush on the branches flapped its wings and stretched out its chest, lighting up its voice like a great singer.

50、 The birds chirped on the branches like little girls singing.

51. A tree and a bird are good friends. The bird stood on the branch and sang to the tree every day. The trees listen to the birds sing every day.

Fifty two. The pearl bird came to me and looked at me with its bright eyes. It seemed that I saw deep attachment in the clear eyes!

Fifty three. Before the sun showed its face, the orioles began their concert. The old orioles were chirping, but who would hear?

Fifty four. The sparrows are talking fast on the branches, as if they are talking about tongue twisters, but I don't know what tongue twisters they are talking about. I can't hear them clearly.

Fifty-five. The thrush flew out and was startled by our applause. Then it flew into the foliage and stood on a twig and cried excitedly. It was a beautiful song.

56. When the breeze blows, Sister Liu Shu can't help dancing. The graceful dance attracts the birds, who also accompany her.

57. "Jiajiajia" In the early morning, the woodpecker doctor wore a flower coat and flew around the forest to see the big trees.

58. The little swallow's black and bright feathers seemed to be smeared with oil, and its white belly seemed to be wearing a white shirt, with red chest, yellow mouth and round eyes looking at me anxiously.

59. Swarms of wild geese, shaking their wings in the glow, fly leisurely from the grass. They fly up into the sky in line with the word "one", like soldiers on the march, shouting and singing, and their voices are full of the belief of victory.