85 sentences of the complete two-part allegorical sayings about animals
Empty old dreams
2023-04-01 21:09:48
Collection of allegorical sayings

1. Eaves mouse -- see you at night

2. Monkeys eat twist - full twist

3. Making cows chase horses - futile

4. 劁劁劁劁劁劁劁劁劁只只只只只21482

5. Monkeys with diarrhea - damaged intestines

6. The mouse goes into the chimney -- it's too bad

7. Horses grow antlers -- four different things

8. Cattle fall into the water - each goes his own way

9. The two masters compete with the chickens -- they look different

10. It belongs to pig's large intestine and cannot be straightened

11. Goat climbing - step by step

12. Dog Bites Pig's Urine Bag - Empty Joy

13. The dog chased the dragonfly -- to jump high

14. Monkeys eat mustard -- roll their eyes

15. Monkey sitting in a sedan chair - defying people to lift

16. The old ox drives the wheel -- back and forth

17. The tiger stretches its waist - comfortable

18. Mouse cast the baby - sharp mouth

19. The mouse climbs the scale - claiming to be

20. Oolong Grilled in the Mud - The deeper the Grilled, the deeper

21. The sheep in February can't climb the slope

22. Rabbits eat rice - waste food

23. Rabbit wears beard - pretending to be an old man

24. Rabbits holding watermelons - powerless

25. Sow's tail - muddy

26. Cattle farming and horse food grain - unreasonable

27. No. 1 Scholar becomes a groom - burying talents

28. Flies on dog poop

29. Monkeys wear hoops - self falling traps

30. Tiger emerges from the seedling field - unexpected

31. The old woman touches the chicken - there are always eggs

32. The old ox goes to the field - full of energy

33. Old Monkey Climbing the Flag Pole - Gliding Down

34. Old Guns Beat Rabbits - Whisper loudly

35. Old Yellow Cattle Tow a Broken Car - Old Youtiao

36. Mice and cats sleep - practice courage

37. The mouse gets into the horn of a cow - to die

38. Grasshopper swallows tiger - greedy

39. Feeding the Monkey to the Beggars - Never give up playing

40. Beggars feed monkeys -- never give up

41. The tortoise laughs and the pig is black - I don't think so

42. Rabbits look at people - red eyes; be jealous

43. Elephants are afraid of mice - one thing falls on another

44. Heroes fight tigers rather than cats - find rivals

45. Buffalo chasing rabbits - powerful

46. Root hair on cattle - insignificant

47. Shit wrapped in silk - notorious

48. Laoniu takes the mouse - it's none of your business

49. Mouse leather bellows - both ends are inflated

50. Flies wear longan shells - head cover

51. The beggar raises rabbits - people are poor and their mouths are broken

52. Feilongzai Fried Tofu - Green? White

53. Rabbit swallows yam eggs - can't spit them out

54. Rabbits are wasted - one litter is worse than another

55. Chicken seller and duck seller -- everyone goes together

56. Monkey cart - dry stare; be anxious but unable to do anything

57. The old ox steps on the ground - one step at a time

58. The tiger borrows the pig and dog's excrement

59. Tigers dream -- they want to faint; I'm thinking about meat

60. Snakes get into the bamboo tube - a unique way

61. A rabbit jumps out of the hole in the grave - no human shape

62. Screen horse breath killing river patrol gun - waiting for work at ease

63. Release the rabbit to make the dog chase -- don't use your strength

64. Pour boiling water on the mouse's nest - none can escape

65. The wolf has run away, and the sheep has been protected -- the best of both worlds

66. Monkeys fight against the fence - not big and not small

67. Chicken made of sorghum stalks -- it's hard to fly with wings

68. Hanging a dead mouse in the waist - pretending to hunt

69. Piggy nose -- a little round; A little predestination

70. Calves fall into mud nests - powerful and nowhere to use

71. Lead a pug to walk - follow the buttocks; The rules are set

72. A dead mouse in the waist - pretending to be hunting

73. Riding the Earth Tiger to the Grave - give your ancestors prestige

74. The mouse coming out of the hole - looking left and right; look around

75. Chickens lay goose eggs too hard; Blurred face

76. Buffalo entering the alley - difficult to turn; Can't turn around

77. When the paparazzi falls into the thatched cottage, turn around; One turn short

78. Monkeys sit on flagpoles - people are not like people, and monkeys are not like monkeys

79. Stuttering newspaper; The Mouse on the Shelf - Verbal

80. Goat driving the shaft - don't listen to that; It's a big animal

81. It's a long story to freeze Hu sheep to death in June; Qu Tian Qu Di

82. The mouse gnaws the mallet - the big head is behind; The big one is behind

83. The mouse wishes the cat a birthday -- a mouthful of meat; Mouth food sent

84. Cats catch mice and make holes - each has his own skills; Each depends on his own ability

85. The old crow falls on the pig's buttocks - he who sees others is black cannot see himself