A Collection of Humorous Blessings on April Fool's Day
Drink with a Breeze
2023-01-30 17:04:27
Blessing words

1. The vast sky allows you to fly high, and the beautiful stories are played by you. Kindhearted children should go after them, and humorous short messages should be sent to the little turtle! Happy April Fool's Day!

2. I have known you for so long, and you have always cared about me. I really don't know how to repay you. I will pull grass for you in the next life! Happy April Fool's Day!

3. Sorry, I accidentally deleted the phone book! Are you Shen Jinbing? Liu Mang or Qin Shou? Is it Mei Renxing? If not, you must be Zhu Tou! Zhu Tou!

4. The pig wants to make a start for the first time. The first time is the first time a pig wants to be a pig. Pig's head is the first time to read it ten times a day. It's safe for you to stand out. If you don't start, you will become a pig.

5. Your presence makes me sleepless all night; Your voice makes me very excited; Your kiss left an unforgettable witness on me. Therefore, I will wait for you if I don't sleep tonight, dead mosquito.

6. Monk Sha said I have changed! Bajie says I have changed! Wukong says I have changed! Tang Monk was furious: I haven't seen a change of phone on the western sky road. People's monsters use their mobile phones to read messages! Happy April Fool's Day!

7. Your phone bill balance is not enough, please recharge according to the prompt: burn a 100 yuan note into ashes, open the back cover of the phone, pour the ashes in and cover it again. Thank You for Your Cooperation!

8. The tea should be strong until it is tasteless, the wine should be drunk, never wake up, people should love deeply in the next life, the pork should be fresh, and this one with mobile phone is good!

9. The weather forecast: RMB will be issued in this area tonight. Sometimes there will be cheques in the northwest and gold bullion in some areas! Remind citizens to prepare their bags and get rich! Happy April Fool's Day!

10. It's raining outside, bit by bit; Clouds are floating in the sky; When I looked up, there was a small ant lying on the windowsill, drooling and running nose. Wow, how like you when you were a child!

11. When you wake up tomorrow, there is a mosquito lying beside your pillow. There is a suicide note beside you: I struggled all night, and your cheek is so thick that I have no face to live in this world! Lord, forgive him! I am.

12. April Fool's Day focuses on fooling others, adheres to the principle of entertaining others, and adheres to open mind; Be innovative and bold, and strive to make everyone a smiling person.

13. When the parachutist practiced parachuting, the coach told him to open the parachute at the count of 10 when he jumped out of the plane. Dean fell down and hurt himself according to the result. The coach scolded him as a fool. A soldier said, "Coach, Dean is stuttering!"!

14. Congratulations, as the SMS you received is the 100th billion SMS in China, you will win the RMB 5 million award provided by our company. Please take your ID card to the Bank of China before 12:00 on April 2 to get it.

15. White geese are talkative and always barking, ducks are swaggering and putting on airs, kittens are gentle and affectionate and coquetry, dogs are always running around. It's better for you to think about it, just to stay in the pigsty and sleep soundly.

16. Please accompany me to dream at night; Please accompany me to welcome the sunrise when it is dawn; Please don't leave me at work; Please give me a hug when you are tired! I have fallen in love with you! Don't get me wrong: I'm not talking about you - it's money!

17. If there is no flower, spring will be lonely. If there is no flower, the four seasons will be mediocre. If there is no me, you will lose a person who cares about you most! Without you, the rabbit would ask: Who should I race with?

18. Slightly stupid, slightly stupid, slightly stupid, relatively stupid, very stupid, extremely stupid, violent stupid, thunder stupid, stupid is invincible. April 1 is approaching, and your fool index is rising straightly, which is close to the limit standard. April Fool's Day, you are stupid, you are happy!

19. Don't miss you because of the change of seasons, and don't forget you because of the passage of time. How are you at the zoo? Are tigers still bullying you? Are monkeys still laughing at you? Are wild boars still robbing you? Are you still used to reading text messages with their small forepaws?

20. These days, information is flying all over the world, but it has widened our distance. I send you a blessing, but you are afraid of scolding you. I want you to trust me again: in fact, we human beings are not as bad as you think! Happy April Fool's Day!

21. Tang Monk: disciples, tell us how to go to the West to learn scriptures fastest in the 21st century? Wukong: Flying is faster than riding a horse! Bajie: Shenqi is faster! Monk Sha took out a gun: I heard that this thing could be sent to the west immediately.

22. Who says "pig" is abusive? If someone calls you "pig", please cherish that person, because? Pigs represent simplicity, innocence, simplicity and happiness. Today is April Fool's Day, let me sincerely say: "pig" you happy!

23. I heard from a friend that you hate summer. After asking, I found that you hate the bites of flies and mosquitoes. If it is too hot, you have to pant and stick out your tongue. Most importantly, you are afraid that the bones buried in the ground will deteriorate!

24. Once lost, it was you who helped me out of the dilemma, let me know how wonderful it was to love someone, and let me use this life as a reward to stay with you until old. Happy April Fool's Day!

25. When you walk into a deep and narrow canyon with a bow and an arrow on your back, you find a wolf in front and a ghost behind. Excuse me: Do you shoot wolves or ghosts? No matter what you are, I wish you a happy April Fool's Day!

26. I don't want to lament the changes of the world, nor wait for the unknown growth. On the way we walked, I learned to be strong and independent. In the days without me, you should take care of yourself. It's cold. Don't use socks as handkerchiefs anymore.

27. On April Fool's Day, it's very helpless to be punished by others, but also because you are cute. As long as you treat yourself with ease and be happy, you can punish me and everyone. Today's SMS can't be saved. I only wish you to take care of yourself and be careful not to be punished by others! Happy holidays!

28. At the year-end summary meeting, I rewarded you for your outstanding performance. You sit at the table with a medal hanging around your neck. You are unmoved by the rich banquet. When people are puzzled, they see you fly up and jump at something: a bone.

29. Congratulations, congratulations! Today, a customer won the SMS award of this year. The prize was a big goldfish worth 800000 yuan, so this customer became the owner of the goldfish, or "fish man" for short. Eh? Why doesn't this customer accept the award? Oh, he is still reading the message I sent him. I wish you a happy April Fool's Day!

30. There is a kind of blessing, that is, a fool has a fool's blessing; There is a kind of happiness, it is difficult to be confused; A wise man is too tired to avoid fatigue; Smart people, too strong, it is difficult to release the mood; Love needs infatuated love to last forever; Things need to be done foolishly to achieve glory; On April Fool's Day, foolishness is also a kind of positive energy. Be a blessed fool!

31. It's an honor to be fooled on April Fool's Day. The more times you are fooled, the more friends you have; Fool is wisdom, and the more you do it, the wiser you will be; Those who are not fooled are respected all the time; Those who don't want to fool others show that love is always bright; It's nice not to be met, but be happy if you are met! On April Fool's Day, no matter what kind of person you are, I wish you a happy April Fool's Day!

32. Hey, look! "It's said that you are a" fool "demon, and you are the best one to" fool "others. The Emperor of Heaven sent me to arrest you, and see where you escape today." Oh, what! "Today's April Fool's Day, don't blame the trick or joke. Fool others to show their own bad behavior, and be happy to be fooled!" Ha, go! "You make people laugh because of your false alarm. Fools are so stupid on April Fool's Day. Send a message quickly to convey love!"