Sentences about the Army Day 20 words (140 selected sentences)
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2023-05-13 05:00:49
Complete sentences

1. Behind the tranquility of your years is the heavy load of frontier soldiers.

2. In August, sweet scented osmanthus blooms all over the sky, and five-star red flags are displayed in the wind. The military songs are loud and clear, and they praise the soldiers' strong will. The wind, frost, rain, snow and torrent fight against the torrent, and the blood of defending the country is forged. The August 1st Army Day is coming, and we salute the soldiers who are fighting on the front line.

3. The Army Day is coming. First of all, I would like to salute you and wish you good health and good luck; Next, take a step towards you and wish you success in your career; Finally, I will wear a military badge for you, and wish you good luck and honor!

4. The neat military appearance, the heroic demeanor of the soldiers, the neat steps, the heroic and neat slogans of the soldiers, the enthusiasm of the soldiers, the neat military salutes, and the loyalty of the soldiers. On the August 1st Army Day, I wish the military friends a happy holiday and salute to you!

5. The military emblem shines with the style of the soldiers, and the military flag shows the free and easy of the soldiers. The soldiers are a natural and unrestrained song, with firm faith, tenacious perseverance, and solemn mission to train the strong in life. When August Day comes, bless your lovely soldiers!

6. Change your clothes on Army Day. I can make any clothes: if you are a flying object, you can make an air force uniform; If you are a marine animal, make a navy uniform; If you are a land animal, make an army uniform.

7. The red sun, the red sky, the red life I like; Red China red party, red army love people; The fiery five stars are shining, and the fiery military spirit is the soul of the army; The August Day is coming, I wish you a prosperous celebration of the founding of the army.

8. The motherland territory is guarded by you, and the network city is realized by me.

9. The Army Day is coming again. Equip yourself to go around, put on a happy helmet, a lucky military uniform, and a happy military badge. The boss smiles at you when he sees you, his friends say hello when they see you, and his wife will salute you when she sees you and report.

10. The Army Day is coming, salute the great soldiers, and wish you happiness in being strong.

11. You have served as a soldier, stood on guard, carried a gun, and defended the border. On this day when the military songs are loud and clear, I wish you a happy Army Day and a smooth journey in life.

12. 1. Bless Xia Dianbing: good luck horse, like Lu Feifei; The bow of fortune is like a thunderbolt. Get rid of your desires, win the fame of success and happiness, and walk happily and safely. Happy Army Day!

13. The look of a soldier is the fortitude he wanted to have when he was a child; The standing of soldiers can withstand many storms. Let the unhappiness of yesterday test itself, and let the hope of tomorrow light up the future. I wish you a fuller life than before, and a happy Army Day!

14. Happiness is the base area, dream is the liberated area, health is the pass, peace is the base camp, good luck is the ammunition depot, happiness is the mercenary, the August Day rally has sounded, please hurry through the depressed valley and occupy the happy highland!

15. The Army Day is coming, I wish you have the heroic bearing, enthusiasm, will, quality and determination of a soldier. May your life be more meaningful, better and meaningful from now on. Happy holidays!

16. Thought it was far away, but in fact it was close! Because you give me green dreams every night, because you give me a sunny mood every day! On the eve of the Army Day, I wish you a happy August Day and smooth work!

17. The heroic army has been guarding for a hundred years.

18. The colorful butterflies are silent and dance gently because of their love for flowers; The white clouds are silent and guard quietly because of their attachment to the sky; Soldiers have no regrets and stick to it silently, only because of their loyalty to the motherland. On the Army Day, salute the soldiers!

19. The steadiest happiness comes from the longest guard.

20. The style of a soldier is to risk life and death; The style of a soldier is indomitable; The demeanor of the soldiers is a momentum of shaking the sky and the earth; The style of a soldier is an epic that shines through the ages. On August 1st, pay tribute to the heroic soldiers!

21. The armored vehicle carries my blessing, and the fighter plane drops my blessing; The radar sends my blessing, and the aircraft carrier carries my blessing; The machine gun sweeps my blessing, and the bomb detonates my blessing; August 1st Army Day, my blessing bombards you!

22. The wind is the guide of speed, the rain is the feeler of strength, and the cry is the forerunner of high spirit. On the August 1st Army Day, the greetings from comrades in arms bless you to be lucky all your life!

23. The military parade on the Army Day is arranged as follows: happy sentry duty, happy sentry, happy outfit, smart appearance, romantic parade, happy review, relaxed walk, good luck march, cool blessing fire on you!

24. You are the fortress of the national defense front, you are the hero of the front line of disaster resistance, you are the hope in the eyes of the masses, you are the most lovely person in the contemporary era, the spirit of August 1 has cast your soul, August 1 is your birthday, sincerely wish you a happy birthday!

25. Life is still shining in the battlefield without gunsmoke. Shouldering an extraordinary mission, the fighting spirit is always high. Adhere to the spirit of dedication, and laugh proudly without regret. Dear brother Bing, you have worked hard. I wish you a happy Army Day.

26. In August, osmanthus blossoms everywhere, five-star red flags are displayed in the wind, and loud songs fly all over the sky. Come together to honor the soldiers. I wish the world's most lovely people a happy holiday, Brother Bing, Happy Army Day!

27. When the Army Day comes, the short message will burst out of your heart. Blessing will burst out of your heart. It will make you sweet and make you happy all day. There are missing into smoke, your happiness is boundless.

28. Once we got along, we shared a common friendship. One military salute and friendship remained for a long time, and one text message was sent to greet us. At the arrival of the August 1st Army Day, we saluted the old comrades in arms who had gone through the military years together!

29. Our young soldiers, I wish you a happy August Day!

30. Today is the August 1st Army Day. I wish the motherland prosperity, strong national defense, social stability, and people live and work in peace and contentment. Salute to the soldiers!

31. Guarding the border with a steel gun in hand is an invariable dream; Defend the people, fight the front line and write a chapter of the times; Keep peace, have no regrets in youth, and warm the spiritual home. The Army Day is coming, and I hope that all soldiers can be happy and safe.

32. The ideal of flowers is to compete for beauty, the ideal of trees is to be evergreen, the ideal of lamps is to shine, and the ideal of soldiers is to make contributions. The August 1st Army Day is coming. I wish the military people a happy holiday in advance! Army Day comrades in arms SMS.

33. The Army Day is coming again. My blessing is to build an army for you. Be lucky to be your chief of staff. Be happy to carry guns for you. Be lucky to charge for you. Ruyi covers for you. Capture sweetness, capture laughter, and capture happiness for thousands of years!

34. Everything is smooth and auspicious. I wish you a happy August Day.

35. The sun is my blessing, the moon is my prayer, the breeze is my whisper, and the rain is my expectation. At the moment when the meteor flies, I make a wish: I wish my comrades in arms who are struggling well in everything!