Beautiful sentences for babies
I always believe
2023-01-27 19:22:49
Complete sentences

1. In life, there are only valuable people and worthless people. For the world, only those who deserve respect and those who don't. For growth, only mature people and naive people. A rational person is not eager to judge whether he is a good person or a bad person. Because of this standard, it is irrational in itself.

2. I will miss the seriousness of your efforts to eat the last two grains of rice with a bowl! Please slow down, a little more.

3. Holding my fist, taking a deep breath and gently cheering myself up, let me grow from failure and step by step to success. I firmly believe that as long as I work hard and guard against arrogance and impetuosity, it will not be far from the day when I break the cocoon and become a butterfly

4. I believe that what growth teaches us is not only tolerance and perception, but also a kind of belief, which makes us understand that withering can be flowers, but never spring.

5. On the way of growing up, I forgot to stay and forget my imagination, but how can I forget my ideal. On the way to growth, because there are still ideals, all the losses are not worth mentioning. Although life is bitter and helpless, in the long river of time, the ideal has let everyone burst out their own light, leaving a mark of their own on the monument of history.

6. The feeling of growth is the red maple leaves in autumn. Picking up the maple leaves on the ground is red, red, but sad; The clear veins are old, and the edges are no longer perfect. Looking at the maple leaves under the sky, I felt very sour. The breath of autumn is ripe but lonely, sour and astringent, filling the sky where I grew up.

7. Congratulations! congratulations! I wish the baby healthy growth, peace and happiness!

8. I don't know since when the growing pains have combined. For me, who has many complaints to vent, this topic is very kind. Xin Qiji once said, "Young people don't know the taste of sorrow.". Perhaps it was his carefree youth that left more and more troubles to us with the continuous development of history.

9. Baby, looking at you sleeping for countless times, I can't help kissing you hard, that's a kind of happiness beyond words!

10. I wish the baby a healthy growth, popular, smart and lively, and a promising future in a famous university!

11. The habit is uncomfortable, the habit is missing, the habit is waiting for you, but there is no habit of not seeing you.

12. Baby, my mother will use all her strength to protect you, help you, love you, and shine your life with all her sunshine.

13. Everyone will grow bit by bit. Maybe the process is different and the experience is different, but the result will be the same. Growth means that you will lose something and also get something. Whether good, bad, willing or unwilling, life will slowly teach you a lot of things and will slowly let you grow.

14. Dongdong, my parents' baby, we love you forever!

15. Growing up means accepting something you don't want. Maturity is that those who do not want eventually become habits. Children always have their own characteristics, but the older they are, the more similar they are. In a sense, we should always grow up, but we should not be completely mature and remain curious.

16. Happiness is everywhere. As long as you dig, search, and explore, you will eventually find it and get it. I seek happiness in my growth and thrive in happiness!

17. Growth is a sky, with dark clouds and bright sunshine.

18. Happiness, a spray rising in the sea, is free after thousands of hills and valleys; Happiness, a note dancing on the piano, is wonderful; Happiness, the unchanging essence of life, is eternal through unremitting efforts.

19. Growth is an endless ladder. Step by step climb, look back at the way, knowing a smile; Turn your head, face the front, and keep climbing silently.

20. The first ray of sunshine in the morning is the deep love of your parents, and the last blush of the sunset is the deep blessing of your parents.

21. Growth is also a hard journey. After crossing the Sad Subway, it is a winding mountain road, winding behind, and the footsteps vaguely in front, full of thorns and flowers. If you pursue bravely, the road will extend under your feet, and growth is the way.

22. Growing kinds of perplexities hit me like a stone. I am in confusion, and I have no time to dodge. Had to take all the scars, alone to taste the physical and mental pain.

23. Everyone will be hurt a lot when growing up. They will cry and feel pain. Many things are always understood after experience. After the pain, they will be strong; After crossing, they become mature; Foolish, they know the right time to cherish and give up.

24. It's not easy to learn one thing well. We understand you, son. Come on.

25. Mother has three wishes: First, your father works smoothly; Second, all the family members are healthy; Third, you should grow up quickly.

26. Growth is like an eagle practicing flying. The key lies in tireless pursuit.

27. Growth makes us miss too many opportunities to play, so we have to study hard under the chatter of our parents; I have to learn something new from the past under the guidance of my teacher. This is the price of growth!

28. Reading is the happiness of my growth. Reading can make us enter a new world. Here, you can understand what you don't understand and what you are interested in, which can make you understand many principles of life. Gradually, you will fall in love with this world and reading.

29. With the process of growth, knowledge is also growing. When I quickly solve problems, I feel the power of knowledge and the happiness of success.

30. Children, let you quickly get rid of childishness and tenderness, raise the sails of creation, sail to maturity, and sail to the golden coast.