A Complete Collection of Inspirational Quotations on the May 4th Youth Day 2022 (100 selected sentences)
Crystal Time
2023-03-18 13:57:56

1. Dazzle, youthful vitality; Sweet, the taste of youth; Beauty is the essence of youth.

2. If you want to achieve great things, you must act in addition to dreams.

3. There are no two identical leaves in the world. No matter how unbearable or ordinary you are, you are also unique. You don't have to be contemptuous.

4. Where there is ideal, hell is heaven; Where there is hope, pain becomes joy.

5. As long as we don't give up our efforts and pursuit, grass is also valuable for embellishing spring.

6. To bear the pain that others cannot bear, to eat the pain that others cannot, is to reap the harvest that cannot be obtained.

7. When you are helpless, you can cry, but you must cheer up after crying. It is not rare to meet a Jedi in life, let alone a desperate situation!

8. If you are unwilling to make a temporary effort to win success, you may have to endure failure with lifelong patience.

9. Youth is a year of youth, youth is the spring of life.

10. There is no shortcut to success. If you want to stand out from the ordinary, you must rely on your own efforts.

11. Youth is in you. You have the most precious thing in life.

12. I don't know which comes first, accident or tomorrow. No crisis is the biggest crisis, and meeting the status quo is the biggest trap.

13. My youth, my dream and my childlike heart are all on the way forward at this moment.

14. The diligent man forgets to eat and sleep, and the lazy man has no time.

15. Ignite the youth dream with enthusiasm, and join in the construction of a new era with a more vigorous attitude.

16. The dream that will be laughed at is worth realizing. Even if you fall down, you are heroic.

17. When others hit the south wall, they turned back, but when I hit it, I didn't turn back. I had to cross over.

18. The so-called pressure is actually a lack of ability; The so-called difficulties, in fact, are their own skills are not enough.

19. No matter how big the stage is, if you don't perform, you will always be the audience! People must rely on themselves, because there is no glory waiting to come, only the wonderful fight.

20. Struggle requires courage, courage requires persistence, and persistence requires will. The days of hardship are an endless road, and you have no choice, so we have always insisted.

21. There is always a future that nourishes your expectations.

22. Do useful things, say brave words, think of good things, and sleep soundly. Spend time making progress, not complaining.

23. Every achievement and glory on the road of life must go through incomparable hardships. If you can endure it, you will be outstanding. If you can't endure it, you will be out of the game.

24. There is an ambush in the long road of life.

25. Don't always think about how to change others. You should always try to reform yourself.

26. Youth is to let the future thank the people who have been insisting on it, and thank the people who insisted on it when they were young for their dreams.

27. In the eyes of the strong, there is no best, only better.

28. May you go away for half your life and return as a teenager.

29. The seed with strong vitality never sings a curse song to the barren soil.

30. As long as you are not decadent or negative, you have quietly brewed optimism, cultivated openness, adhered to kindness, always moving forward towards your dreams, and always on the road, there will be no distance that you cannot reach.

31. Life is a book, the cover is given by parents, the content is written by myself, the thickness is decided by myself, and the degree of excellence can be created by myself.

32. Youth is fleeting, and youth lies in grasping.

33. No matter what you have to face today, now that you have reached this stage, you should stick to it and give yourself some affirmation. You are stronger than you think.

34. Only when you are tired can you be free; only when you are bitter can you know how sweet it is.