Writing about Sleeping
Smile and see the world
2023-08-01 17:30:38
Complete sentences

1. If you are willing to be my little train and never derail, then I will be willing to be your little mermaid and never cheat.

2. Don't be surprised by the vicissitudes of life, have no intention of leaving or staying, treat things as usual, and treat life gains and losses, honor and disgrace, success or failure with indifference. In the noisy world of mortals, you can also enjoy life and life simply and quietly.

3. Never change yourself for others. If you can't accept the worst of you, you don't deserve the best of you.

4. Thank most people in your life for teaching you to be mature adults; Cherish the few people in your life who tolerate you to be a vulnerable child.

5. If the speed of cherry blossom falling is five centimeters per second, how long will it take for two hearts to get close?

6. Heard too much outside voice. I really forgot to listen to my own voice. Therefore, I want to turn off all external voices and listen to my own inner voice. How about eating too much at night and feeling swollen when you can't sleep?

7. The world is big, but happiness is small. The whole family is neat, healthy and happy together. Is the ideal market life; Advertisements always appear at the best time, and you always leave when I love you most.

8. Smile can hide from others, but heartache cannot hide from oneself; Don't throw candy on passers-by. The gun is aimed at the family. Those who can stand your temper are those who love you.

9. Sometimes flowers bloom and sometimes they fall. There is no need to linger, and what should go will go; There is no need to be demanding. What should come will come sooner or later.

10. Sometimes your disappointment is just the disappointment of a certain person or a certain kind of person. Never imagine that you are disappointed in love; Only when you believe in love can you meet better love. Love is actually hope, which can brighten your life.

11. Her blush was not because of the subtropical climate, but because the sun was unfaithful and betrayed the sunset in 1999.

12. I am a person of insomnia, a person of space. One person's missing, two people's picture. One person's seat, one person thinking of one person.

13. I want a sleeping self, a sleeping night. Memory is a very tired thing, just like how to lie down when insomnia is wrong.

14. Life can not wait for others to arrange, to fight for and fight for their own. No matter whether the result is happy or sad, the consolation is that you have lived in this world in vain.

15. Although you and I will be missing, but you know that I have moved for you.

16. Your eyes are warm and rippling in the sea, the mountains are high and the water is far away, my world.

17. Be a bit naive and childlike, and keep some chivalrous feelings towards friends. To be happy, cheerful, tenacious and warm has nothing to do with character. But you should be loyal, diligent, and sincerely respect others, so that your life will not be dark.

18. The melting ice cream, the setting sun, the disappointed expectation, the rainy summer, the sleepless night, and you will leave.

19. Even if some people's departure is painful, it will also let you understand the helplessness of the change of facts, and I dare not forget the pain you gave me.

20. I really envy that you are spoiled by him. You must not know that the love you have now is something I can't change for thousands of times.

21. Those who are willing to suffer losses will not suffer losses after all. Excellence is a habit; Life has always been a fierce battle. Give pain killers or slaps, and you will finally have to practice your courage alone. No one is exception.

22. It is unnecessary to yearn for others' understanding and recognition in life, because others have no such obligations. Quietly live your own life, if your heart is still, what will the wind do. If you are not hurt, the years will be fine.

23. Many people mistake heart beating, infatuation or admiration for love, but heart beating is not comparable to true love. The enchanted light is only the light of a diamond at most, which makes you marvel at its magnificence. You can't wait to have it right away.

24. It is not the world that chooses you, but you that choose the world. Since there is no pure land, it is better to meditate; Since there is no wish, let it go!

25. I am in a state of preoccupation every day. I can't sleep at night and wake up early in the morning. I have too many things to do and my head is about to break.

26. In fact, what makes people anxious is neither busy nor tired. But there is nothing particularly interested in, and there is no special person who wants to love. He knows that he should make efforts, but he does not know where to make efforts; For many years, you have been living in seclusion in my wounds. I have left heaven and earth behind, but I have never left you behind. You can say goodbye to the mountains and rivers in my life.

27. Distance roughly means: you know I'm not sleeping, and I know you're not sleeping. You can't say a word while watching each other's updates.

28. It is not your wallet but your body that determines what clothes you wear. It is not your character but your position that determines your temper. What determines your taste is not your education, but your experience.

29. It is human nature to be ungrateful. If you have to expect others to be grateful, it is probably unnecessary.

30. When I turn my foolishness into gentleness, when I lose my childishness and affectation, girls with long hair will eventually grow up.

31. Don't abuse others' sincerity. The geomancy takes turns. Who have you seen heaven forgive?

32. It is hard to sleep at a deep night, the moon is very round, the wind is very cold, and the bone marrow is pierced, the heart is too heavy to say right; Don't hate the person you loved, and don't wait for him to turn back. You lose the person who doesn't love you, and the other person loses the person who loves him. His loss is greater than yours.

33. There are few people in the world who can sympathize with others. Most people are tired of listening to it, and a few people will use it as a joke to publicize it everywhere; Accept loneliness, accept loss, accept that you are incomplete, and occasionally be defeated by changes. Maybe it's hard to swallow, but when you can't bear it, you should learn to let yourself go.

34. The boy's embrace makes the girl feel that he is the safest harbor, and the girl's embrace makes the boy think that he is the sweetest owner.

35. I don't like only one person in my life, but my heart beats only for her.

36. When the sleeping lion wakes up, it is still the king. No matter how arrogant the dog barks, it is a wild dog.