Sentences describing autumn (74 sentences)
have experienced all sorts of hardships
2023-04-13 10:31:09
Complete sentences

1. It's autumn and the mountains are clear. A black bird shot an arrow in the light of the lake. White clouds one after another, blown down by the wind.

2. Whose autumn yard has no wind and where's the autumn window without rain? The silk quilt is not resistant to the autumn wind, and the sound of residual leakage urges the autumn rain to rush. All night long, my pulse is blowing again, and I seem to be crying in front of the lamp. The cold smoke yard turns to depression, and the sparse bamboo window drips. I don't know when the wind and rain will stop, but I have taught my tears to shed on the window screen.

3. Liu Xiasheng sings in the courtyard, and sisters swing among flowers—— Yan Jidao, Breaking the Formation, Liuxia Shengge Garden

4. Autumn, the beautiful season, the harvest season, the golden season, is as desirable as the spring when flowers are in full bloom, as enthusiastic as the hot summer, and as charming as the snowy winter.

5. The curtain is light and cold, and the swallows fly away—— Yan Shu's "Butterflies Love Flowers, Curtained Chrysanthemum Sorrow, Smoke Orchids Cry Dew"

6. Autumn is like a beautiful girl. Her light sleeves shield people from wind and rain, and offer the fruits of harvest to people.

7. In September, the memory began to embellish some people's stories with the falling leaves, under those blue and somewhat excessive skies.

8. The long pine needles, in the autumn morning, are covered with dew. When the dawn shines, they twinkle with crystal light; When the sun sets, Evening Dew puts on a bright red colored dress for her, adding some color to the pine forest.

9. The world is as short as a spring dream, and the human relationship is as thin as autumn clouds—— Zhu Dunru, The Moon over the West River, The World Is as Short as a Spring Dream

10. Since ancient times, when autumn is sad and lonely, I say that autumn is better than spring. When a crane flies on the clear sky, it brings poetry to the blue sky.

11. Autumn is painting, colorful clouds, flowing clouds, maturity and harvest. Let's praise autumn, the prospect of harvest, the gorgeous autumn style, and cherish the good time of "middle-aged".

12. There is no one in the court. The autumn moon is bright. The night frost wants to clear the air first—— Zhang Lei's Sitting at Night, Nobody in the Courtyard, Autumn Moon

13. Qiu Shuang wants to make a prophet, but the tailor's scissors under the lamp are cold—— Bai Juyi's Empty Boudoir Resentment

14. The autumn overcast does not disperse the frost and flies late, leaving the withered lotus to listen to the sound of rain—— Li Shangyin's Lodging at Luoshi Pavilion for Cui Yong and Cui Gun

15. The leaves of the osmanthus tree are so fresh that people feel comfortable. Osmanthus fragrans are the golden spots exposed in the green leaves.

16. The fields in autumn are golden. It seems that the earth is covered with a golden carpet.

17. Try to climb a high building and penetrate into the bones. How can you know that spring is crazy—— Liu Yuxi's Two Autumn Poems

18. Walking here, there is not too much gorgeous decoration, nor a bleak scene. It is a warm feeling. Looking at the people on the chairs, they all hung a sweet smile, which added several gorgeous colors to autumn.

19. Pear trees are full of yellow pears, just like cute gourds. A closer look shows that there are many small freckles on the pear's face! There are a lot of pears. The branches are bending more and more. Some pears simply sit on the ground.

20. The rice is ripe. The golden paddy fields, which are full and full of rice ears, bear farmers' sustenance and dreams for a year.

21. In the autumn mourning period, the heart's perception, the ups and downs along the way, stumbles and stumbles, and really understands the true meaning of many lives.

22. It's beautiful in autumn. It brings us refreshing, fragrant in autumn. It brings us the fragrance of fruits. It's cruel in autumn. It sweeps away all the flowers, grass and leaves.

23. In autumn and October, the sparse leaves on the trees are as dry as dry tobacco leaves. Mother Earth opens her broad mind as if to welcome the children who embrace and return. The fallen leaves return to Mother Earth's arms and sleep with the earth sweetly.

24. That autumn was also the autumn wind, and the leaves were yellow. The leaves circled around the tree with the wind, with a trace of helplessness, a trace of loneliness, a trace of reluctance, singing a farewell song, and saying goodbye to the tree she had loved deeply.

25. The cool autumn wind is blowing the flowers and trees, like a warm mother gently humming a lullaby to send her children to a sweet dream.

26. The leaves in early autumn are only slightly yellow, but they have begun to indicate that they are going to drift away, and also indicate that the story is a little sad. The sound of trees in autumn, the cold look of mountains and mountains, all of which are buried with a bit of desolation, a bit of sadness, a bit of tranquility, and a bit of fantasy.

27. The golden leaves leave the big tree and float and fall to the ground, which looks like a beautiful carpet.

28. Summer is a passionate gypsy girl, who does not worry about the coyness of the pipa and whether she can completely enjoy her emotions.

29. In the picturesque river city, you can see the clear sky at night—— Li Bai's "Autumn Climbing the Xuancheng Xieyu North Tower"

30. The autumn rain is falling, like an endless picture.

31. Jade man fishing and fiber hook management. Autumn comes at night in the Moonlight Pool Pavilion—— Wu Wenying's "Huanxi Sand - Autumn Love"

32. It was early autumn in another country, and the bright moon in the river pavilion led the river—— Wang Bo's Two Farewells in Autumn River

33. After two rains, it seems that autumn came earlier. The breeze is cool and autumn is full. It seems that everything becomes quiet. The silence is more awake than that in spring, clearer than that in summer, and more pleasant than that in winter

34. I don't feel the blue mountains and dusk, and the autumn clouds are dark—— Listen to Shu Monk Jun Playing the Qin by Li Bai

35. The autumn wind brings thousands of miles of hibiscus country, and the evening rain brings thousands of families of Ficus pumila village—— Tan Yongzhi's Stay in the Xiangjiang River in Autumn and Meet the Rain

36. The sunshine in autumn is warm and quiet, the autumn wind in Dong Township is warm and gentle, and the blue sky and white clouds are elegant and melodious.

37. Autumn is coming, and the crops in the fields are ripe. Sorghum's face was red, as if she had drunk too much wine; In the distance, a large area of golden rice looks like a large amount of golden shining gold; The breeze gently blows the wheat, like a golden wave rolling in the field. Beautiful!

38. There is a lot of coldness in this autumn. This autumn night is full of mangroves and silent. You can hear the cold blowing from the clear horn, sobbing and sobbing. It is empty. It is just plain autumn that is hard to beat. The wind and rain are very sad. It is better to miss.

39. Some people love spring because it has flowers like sea and willows like smoke; Some people love summer because it is full of vitality and green as ink; Some people love winter, because it is covered with ice and snow, and has a myriad of sceneries. But I have a special love for autumn and sincerely praise it.

40. When the rice is ripe, it seems that someone is spreading a thick layer of gold on the ground. The autumn waves shook the rice, making the heavy ears of rice fluctuate rhythmically, as if Jinshan was sliding. The wind and waves are like a moving movement.

41. Autumn is originally a bleak season, and the bleakness of plane trees will cause people deep sorrow and hatred. Since ancient times, when literati express their feelings through scenery, they can never forget it.

42. Autumn is the season when crops are ripe, and it is also the favorite season for farmers. The sorghum blushed, the corn opened its mouth, the yellow corn grains looked like golden beans, the millet bent over with a smile and bowed to us, and the beans made a noise when the wind blew them

43. Autumn, like a mother who has endured hardships, has made her children with hard sweat.

44. The breeze cleans your heart, and the sounds of nature touch your heart. A stream of water, a string of bamboo, you know, you should go to see autumn.

45. Autumn is fiery and full of enthusiasm, but this enthusiasm is not straightforward, but implicit. "The most important thing is the sound of autumn wind. Maple leaves are everywhere red in the mountains."

46. When the autumn wind blows, the coolness stops. I can't help making a cup of hot tea. I quietly watch the leaves slowly stretch out in the curling smoke, smell the faint tea fragrance, and sip gently. The heat current dispels the slightest coolness, but my thoughts become more and more dense with the sound of rain.

47. Walk on the road in autumn, look up at the blue sky, soft clouds, and a light wind gently blows over the eyebrows, which is a bit cool and refreshing.

48. Today is Sunday, and the warm morning light slants to the autumn trees. The trees in autumn are no longer as dense as those in summer, giving a sense of sparse sadness and beauty. Of course, not all autumn trees are like this. Maple and pine trees still stand in the wind.

49. The autumn wind is coming, with a piercing chill. The withered and yellow leaves rustle in the cold wind. The four seasons are particularly distinct at this time, just like an uncontrollable mood. Finally, a breakthrough is found, and it will flow to the end and never stop.

50. Westerly wind disorderly leaves the bridge trees. Autumn is in the shy place of yellow flowers -- Zhang Chu's "The Blue Jade Case: Being Called out of the Suburb to Write Chen's Mountain Residence"

51. Time keeps flowing forward, and the weather gradually cools. The loud sound of cicadas is blown away by autumn. Instead of it, it is the cricket's cry in the cracks of the flagstones at the foot of the stairs at night. Ah! The lovely autumn finally came.

52. I didn't realize the dream of spring grass in the pond, and the sound of autumn leaves in front of the steps—— Zhu Xi's Accidental Achievement

53. A piece of maple leaves fell on my shoulder. I saw another maple tree here. The maple leaves were fiery and red. They were tottering on the tree. Grandma Feng blew gently, and the maple leaves fell to the ground like a baby singing and jumping.

54. The beauty of autumn is rational. It is not as charming as spring, hot in summer, and implicit in winter.

55. Tongye murmurs in the morning. Travelling in the autumn, the Chang'an Road is gloomy—— Lu You's Butterfly Loves Flowers, Tongye Whispers at Night in the Morning

56. It is better to die with incense in the branches than to be blown down by the north wind—— Zheng Sixiao's Painting Chrysanthemum

57. The autumn rain has a very pleasant smell. Pear fragrant, pineapple sweet, and apple orange, a lot of sweet smell, are hiding in the drizzle! Children's feet are often caught by the fragrance.

58. The dew in the center of the plate is as clear as lead water, and the west wind blows and breaks overnight—— Zhang Yan's "Sparse Shadow, Chanting Lotus Leaves"

59. Once sad, once melancholy, once infatuated, once crazy, every beating note is still in front of me, and every melodious melody is still in my ears. I am glad that I have all these things; I am sad, I lost all this again.

60. Autumn comes quietly, to the fields, to the brooks, to the mountains, to change the earth into charming autumn clothes. When I walked into the park, the autumn wind blew in gusts, and the red leaves all over the ground seemed to be covered by the morning glow. It was really beautiful.

61. A round of autumn shadow turns into golden waves. The flying mirror is reground—— Xin Qiji's "Taichangyin · Jiankang's Mid Autumn Night Ode to Lu Shuqian"

62. The golden autumn is coming. The sky is like a sapphire covering the earth. It has been wiped clean and beautiful by the autumn wind.

63. As soon as September comes, there will be a sense of autumn. It will slip in a foggy dawn and disappear in the hot afternoon. It tiptoed across the top of the tree, dyed several leaves red, and then flew across the valley in a cluster to leave.

64. The beautiful flowers will bear tears and tell their pain every year when they see the autumn wind, because the autumn wind will take away their beauty. And the fate of the flowers are the same as grass, they also rush to talk to the autumn wind.

65. The ancient moss grows green in the shade, and the color is dyed with autumn smoke—— Li Bai's Nanxuan Pine

66. These falling leaves are like colorful petals scattered by fairies.

67. Its open-air roots are winding up and down, spreading for tens of meters, like hundreds of clay bodhisattvas of all sizes sitting in a meeting on the court. The side near the river, however, is like a series of zigzag wooden bridges, which is very strange.

68. Blowing gently, the beautiful Cinderella comes slowly; The tree began to take off her green summer clothes and put on her golden autumn clothes.

69. I often fear that the autumn wind will be early and you will not know it—— Lu Zhaolin's Lotus in Quchi

70. Danyang Guoli sees off the boat and knows the autumn in both places—— Yan Wei Sending Wei to join the Army in Danyang

71. Because of the arrival of autumn, there is a kind of sadness in my heart, which cannot be swept away. The dusty memory is always very clear.

72. The scenery in the forest is different, and autumn is like Luoyang spring—— Song Zhiwen's Autumn Day in Shi'an

73. When the autumn wind blows, leaves fall to their roots; The still water flows eastward, and the moon shines on a lonely night. Autumn gives people a feeling of desolation and loneliness. Some people will feel sad in spring and autumn in this season, and will sigh about the impermanence of life in this season.

74. Autumn comes to the world quietly with a golden body and light footsteps.