Reflections on The Castle
Warm bosom before dawn
2023-11-29 22:03:52

Reflections on The Castle

When I read a work carefully, I believe everyone has gained a lot of knowledge. At this time, I need to seriously think about how to write the feeling after reading. So how should we write the feeling after reading? The following is my carefully organized review of Castle. Welcome to share.

This is a simple story, which can be summarized in one sentence. A land surveyor from a foreign country tried his best to obtain recognition and implement his work, but he was always blocked, wasting time and energy, and all his efforts were in vain. From time to time, the story tells how he tried every means to get in touch with the castle, but failed again and again. The people in the village are so numb and bored, afraid and worshipping everything in the castle, living humbly, and how they treat the stranger K coldly. Here, he has no identity and no foothold, Maybe he was cheated by a piece of paper to waste his life. He is one of the poor victims of the castle.

And this is an extremely complicated story. It is so complicated that countless possible connotations can be interpreted and chewed and pondered by later generations. "The Castle" is undoubtedly a huge metaphor. There have been many opinions about what it symbolizes. Some people say that the layers of bloated departments and institutions, officials and secretaries in the castle are a reflection of the staleness and decadence of the bureaucratic mechanism at that time. It is a microcosm and satire of the times. Some people say that "the closer you go, the more you can't see" the castle is everyone's ideal embodiment, It is the realization of the ultimate goal that is as elusive as the moon in the mirror. Some people also speculate that it is the Jerusalem of the Jews, the Holy Land in the hearts of the rootless Jewish people, and the unfinished journey that Kafka, as a descendant of Jews, wants to see for a lifetime. After all, no one knows which is the original intention of the author, and which is the misinterpretation and attachment that may simply deviate from the original intention?

Together with K, we walked on this "never seen street", looked coldly at this indifferent village, stood alone in the only hope, or perhaps there is no hope at all, fell to the bottom of the society, and gradually saw through the truth that belongs here. Perhaps life is such a distortion, just immersed in it we never noticed, never refused. Villagers worship the castle blindly. Even if women become mistresses of castle officials, they think it is an infinite honor and dignity; They abide by strict rules and regulations, and everyone lives according to established ideas. If anyone violates one point, even if Amalia rejects the insult of castle officials, no matter how respected the family is, they will be immediately punished for betrayal; In the mountains of official documents and archives, decayed bureaucrats are busy with endless work, and seemingly endless fatigue is actually "an unbreakable rest, an unbreakable peace". Like K, we looked at all this in surprise and were eager to find a way out. Unfortunately, Kafka did not give us an answer. An unfinished novel seemed to be frozen forever in progress. It was an unsolvable mystery that let the world guess.

When Kafka was crushed by all obstacles, someone read his pessimism and despair. The helplessness and solemnity of K, who is still vulnerable to fate no matter how hard he tries, reminds people of those great tragic heroes in Greece. The difference is that the heroes hold their heads high to death, while more small people like K spend their lives in loneliness and struggle for years. Kafka sensitively felt this, incisively wrote about people's vulnerability and helplessness, how the ubiquitous huge unknown external force crushed a childish dream, and how it branded people with the worldly wisdom of "knowing that their future will only be constantly disappointed, and they have to swallow them one by one" The mark of fear that "whoever disobeys him will suffer", as well as the deep sense of isolation faced by those who oppose authority or hegemony, Scary—— "It seems that those people have cut off all relations with him... Now he can wait as long as he likes here and win the freedom that no one has ever won. It seems that no one dares to touch him, no one dares to drive him away, and no one dare even say a word to him. Nothing is more boring and disappointed than this freedom, this waiting, this inviolable privilege " Yes, we are anxious, we struggle, we fail, and we have no choice. We just want to fight the last trapped animal. We don't want to let others lead us by the nose, and we don't want to stand by our fate. We are not strong enough, we don't have enough power to choose what we want, but we can still refuse, refuse rather than endure, act rather than wait, Hope, not despair, is what one should do in life. I read Kafka's helplessness and pain, and he gave me more feelings of childlike innocence and fearlessness, together with the defiance and obstinacy, as well as the deep and shallow footprints of courage. Kafka left me the image of a small figure walking towards the distance alone in the snow and ice, rather than a coward crouching in a corner and crying silently. He is introverted, but he is not weak. He is afraid, but he does not yield. "No matter how difficult it is to walk without pipes, he will never stop moving forward no matter how hopeless his hope of walking home is."

He is neither optimistic nor pessimistic, but is always rushing about for something that he thinks is reasonable. Even though almost no one around him can trust him, no one thinks that he will achieve his goal, and a stranger may never understand the mechanism and mystery, he is still struggling with "the last, small, disappearing, yes, actually invisible hope". In the book, he clearly said, "Why should I give in to such tricks or official whims?" He said to Frieda, "Do you forget that a person should strive to climb up, especially when he is at the bottom? Should a person not take advantage of all the opportunities that can bring hope to him?" I thought, He is not unaware of the stupidity and rigor of the castle, but does not want to be indifferent to the stagnant life. To some extent, like the Barnabas family, he made a right choice that seemed to be wrong, but it seemed that he violated an unknown regulation, was isolated by the crowd, and was forced to bear pain and contempt. He tried every way to atone for his sins, to redeem them, to gain respect, and to use these as the whole meaning and courage of life. The author uses Olga's mouth to say the reason for all the meaningless efforts - "There may be obstacles, doubts and disappointments, but this only means that everything you get is not without cost, but also means that you must strive for every small thing."

No matter whether this struggle is ultimately useful or not, if you leave everything behind, you will be waiting for death. It doesn't need anyone to judge. The boundless freedom and loneliness will also eat away the last vitality of people. The life without struggle is dull and dull like withering. Only contradictions and conflicts, disputes and opposites, pain and sorrow are the driving forces for people to move forward forever. This is the truth of everything, the source of everything.

K's love for Frieda may have disappeared in this way. Once he found that Frieda could not build a bridge for him, but instead became a huge burden, the author had to lament that "her incredible temptation was only because she was close to Klum, and it was this temptation that attracted k, but now she withered in his arms. ”There is no old pride and hope in her, and the liberation of the old problem becomes a new problem. She has become an ordinary partner. Her helpless plain hard days and increasingly cold love finally force Frieda to fall in love with one of his annoying assistants for a long time and leave K.

Emotions are full of variables, life is not the same, and fate is unpredictable. The castle also has numerous official documents belonging to the castle - this lofty and dusty place, these pieces of paper that decide everything and may be useless, may also be a silhouette of this impermanent fate, which makes people fear, respect, and want to get in, but in fact it may be just such an unreachable distance and other shore, They may be any kind of daydream, any kind of lost or yearning. "Their values are constantly changing, and their responses are also endless." Kafka himself is also a proof of countless contradictory value changes and their endless responses - he is a loser, but he succeeded.

The unspeakable Kafka is like the unspeakable Hamlet, the unspeakable Dream of the Red Chamber. The Buddha's eyes see the Buddha, and the devil's eyes see the devil. No one can understand Kafka's riddle.