800 words of reflections on the great cause of the founding of the Party in 2022
Let go with a smile
2023-11-29 22:06:23

We are happy. There has been the same confusion and indignation as those of the post-80s generation before. The confused public opinion said that we are the "Beat Generation", and the indignation of this era has put a lot of pressure on the survival space of the post-80s generation, such as school entrance examination, work, getting married, and so on. But after reading "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party", I suddenly had a new look at myself and everything around me. I couldn't help asking myself: Is this era really treating us badly? How much did we really take from it, and how much did we pay?

Most of us are used to living in peaceful times, doing what we like to do, pursuing a more colorful and diversified life, and striving towards colorful dreams. Compared with the era when people were oppressed by foreign powers and suffered from war, we didn't have to worry about going into exile and suffering from hunger and cold. At least we still have a peaceful life, the right to pursue our dreams and the possibility of realizing them. So we are still happy.

Of course, we will also have failures and encounter injustice on the way to dreams and success, but compared with the blood and life of those revolutionary pioneers, it is insignificant and worthless, because we still have more chances to do it again, until we get the joy of success. What the revolutionary martyrs have is the firm belief that goes on and on, and the trust that they entrust to their comrades to continue to convey. Most of them have not even seen the dawn of success. Compared with them, we are still happy.

At the moment, many people often talk about happiness index, or complain about their own poor happiness, or complain that the overall happiness index of countries is not as good as that of some developed countries. It is unknown that developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Japan have only begun to study happiness index in recent years. Compared with the old society, which is not easy to survive, is it not a kind of happiness in itself when we are still sitting here today? What's more, our party and country have always put people's livelihood first, put forward the great goal of building a harmonious society, and put it into practice. Happiness index has gradually become the new pursuit of local governments in improving people's livelihood.

To some extent, in the 30 years since the reform and opening up, Chinese people have experienced more from the western material culture. Compared with before liberation, people's desire for a happy life has not changed, but their spiritual beliefs of striving and paying for it are missing. We tend to be more worried about gains and losses, feel confused and have no goals, and ignore what I have contributed to the society. Perhaps, as the ancient poem said: I don't know the true face of Mount Lushan, but because I am in this mountain. It may also be because the country's economic development is in the transition period, and it will feel pain from top to bottom, which will temporarily reduce the sense of happiness. But it is not too late to wake up from this moment, and we also use our hands to create a good time for a perfect and happy future.

The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party made me review the pure belief of the revolutionary ancestors. The powerful spiritual force that sacrificed everything to realize the ideal once again purified my soul. We have no reason to live unhappily for the sake of our predecessors' peaceful life with blood and life, for the sake of realizing our own life value, and for the sake of future generations' more perfect future. Let's work together from this moment on, shoulder the responsibility and mission that history has entrusted to our generation, and work together to create a harmonious and happy perfect home with the original plain mind, so as to build our motherland more powerful.