Middle school students' psychology
I will remember to laugh when I am sad
2023-09-09 07:48:15
Senior 2
topic of conversation

Facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. You have described a spiritual home like a peach blossom garden for yourself. We think your heart is sunny, and we think your life is full of peach blossoms. But we didn't expect that you would make such a choice! How many people sigh for you, how many people cry for you secretly. You, a learned and outstanding talent, leave beautiful poems for the world, but you are sleeping on the cold railway. Sad and pathetic, Haizi. We can read your poems, but we can't understand your melancholy. Perhaps, your melancholy eyes often tell of your dissatisfaction with life and your helplessness for emotion. But why don't you show your inner world to your relatives or friends? Is it a distrust of them? Or are you used to chewing your loneliness alone? We don't understand that you can write countless classic works, but can't express your inner depression? We don't agree. You use suicide to talk about your crying heart.
Some people say that you are a person with mental illness. But I said, you are a closed person. Inner closure makes you
Can't see the sun outside, so you will only hide in a dark corner alone to drink tears.
Now, when we think of you who has gone with the wind, we can only sigh.
Recently, I often think that it is important for a person to have a healthy body, but it is more important to have a healthy mind. Otherwise, it will be instantaneous for a strong body to be destroyed by a slip of the imagination. On the contrary, if you are physically incomplete and mentally perfect, you can live a beautiful life. You can see that Li Li, one of the ten people who touched China in 2007, suffered from polio when she was young. When she was young, it was hard to say goodbye to the wheelchair, but a car accident forced her to stay with the wheelchair for a long time. Just imagine, how many people can face such an unfortunate fate calmly? How many people can choose a new life with a smile? Some people may only wash their faces with tears all day long, complain about others, or even take the road of suicide. Our sister Li said no, she wore beautiful clothes and appeared in front of the world as a "beauty". She wants to tell people that unfortunate experiences may change your life path, but a healthy and positive attitude can also change your unfortunate fate. She believes that in the face of life's hardships and setbacks, a strong will is indeed important, but how can healthy psychology be ignored? Therefore, she founded the "Li Li Family Education Studio" to help thousands of middle school students and prisoners face life and the future actively.
We are luckier than Li Li, because we have a healthy body, how should we face our own life? Those who are depressed because of temporary setbacks, those who abandon themselves because of so-called lovelorn, those who are depressed and always have a cloudy face, think about our sister Li, maybe there will be new changes.