23 Parallels of Friends
Yearning for the flying of eagle
2023-04-01 21:53:02
parallel sentences

1. A friend is a cup of tea, very light; A friend is a gentle breeze; Friends are drizzle, very sweet.

2. A friend is your step forward, a friend is your beacon of Hainan Airlines, a friend is your light of darkness, and a friend is your medicine when you are sick.

3. A friend will not sneer at your smile; Friends will not cheat your feelings; Friends will not disturb your rhythm; Friends will not tolerate your mistakes.

4. What is a friend? A friend is a person who can confide in each other; A friend is a person who will not teach you to do bad things; A friend is a person who works hard with you.

5. A friend is a person who helps you correct your shortcomings; A friend is someone who comforts you when you are down; A friend is someone who lends you shoulder to cry; A friend is the one who gives you a handkerchief.

6. Friends are streams, silent, but essential; Friends are the sea, embrace all rivers, and contain all your emotions; A friend is a mountain. In times of crisis, you can have a foothold.

7. Friends are like wine, which tastes strong and is easy to get drunk; Friends are like flowers, fragrant and elegant; Friends are autumn rain, delicate and full of poetry; My friend is Mei in December, standing proudly.

8. A friend is someone who silently comforts you when you are frustrated; A friend is someone you share with when you are happy; Friends are the people who remind you when you are proud; A friend is someone who encourages you when you feel inferior.

9. A friend is a bright light in the darkness, illuminating the road ahead of you; A friend is an electric fan in the hot summer to cool your whole body; A friend is a kind angel, opening your heart to troubles.

10. Understanding of friends is a kind of respect, turning sad people into joy; It is a kind of nobility, which makes people who have no confidence re recognize themselves; It is a kind of gentleness, the greatest encouragement to the desperate people.

11. A friend is a person who helps you correct your shortcomings; A friend is someone who comforts you when you are down; A friend is someone who lends you shoulder to cry; A friend is the one who gives you a handkerchief; Friends are people who encourage you to make progress.

12. A true friend is someone who asks if you are tired when you succeed; A true friend is the one who slaps you when you fall; A true friend is someone who knows your shortcomings but still loves you and never leaves you.

13. A friend is a song, always playing melodious music when I am sad; A friend is a lamp, always illuminating me when I am confused; A friend is a book, always let me find the answer when I am confused.

14. Friend, you are a book, a book that you can't read all your life; Friend you are a harbor, a harbor that can let your heart rest; Friend, you are a bunch of sunshine, a bunch of sunshine that can make your life full of warmth.

15. Friends are often reminded of, is to care in the heart, pay attention to the eyes; A friend is a person who walks through life together and spends the twilight together; Friends add joy when they think of them, and are more gentle when they think of them.

16. A friend will not sneer at your smile; Friends will not cheat your feelings; Friends will not disturb your rhythm; Friends will not tolerate your mistakes; Friends are Longjing tea floating on the Tiger Running Spring; A friend is the real person who shares life and death with you.

17. A friend is a ray of golden sunshine, illuminating your whole world; A friend is a warm spring breeze that sweeps away your tiredness; A friend is such a person who is willing to share your happiness and pain every minute.

18. Friend, you are like a flower in spring, like snow in winter, like a steed in the grassland, like an eagle in the blue sky. It is a joy when you travel alone, a heart clearing agent when you lose yourself, a bouquet of flowers when you succeed, and a cup of wine when you are frustrated.

19. A friend is a guitar in a happy day, playing the joy of life for you heartily; A friend is a spring breeze in a sad day, gently sweeping away the clouds in your heart; A friend is a good teacher on the road to success. He will lead you to the sunshine zone enthusiastically.

20. A friend is a heater in the cold winter, which warmly illuminates every cold corner of your heart; A friend is the cup of tea that wakes up at the beginning of the afternoon nap, which moistens every happy mood with infinite sweetness; A friend is a rocking chair in a tired day, which gently sways you to sleep.

21. A friend is a hot tea in our hands when we stand at the window and enjoy the snowflakes falling in winter; A friend is an umbrella we hold when we walk in the summer rain; A friend is the spring wind that blows away the gloom of winter in our hearts when spring comes; A friend is the cup of wine that we are intoxicated with in autumn whispers during the harvest season.

22. A friend is a guitar in a happy day, playing the joy of life for you heartily; A friend is a spring breeze in a sad day. Gently whisk away the sad clouds in your heart; A friend is a good teacher on the road to success. Enthusiastically lead you to the sunshine zone; A friend is a bright light in the depression of failure, silently driving away the haze of your soul.

23. A friend is a rocking chair in a tired day, gently swaying the rhythm of falling asleep for you; A friend is a song in a lonely day, singing the yearning in your heart for you; A friend is a long letter in the lost days, which forcefully writes a brave belief for you; A friend is a good book in ordinary days, which clearly records the feelings of life for you.