Short and deep life experience
A bosom friend
2023-08-03 15:30:35
A complete set of maxims

1. It turns out that a person really will become what he used to dislike most.

2. Life is a journey of one person, and no one can replace it. There are always people leaving and there are always people coming.

3. No matter how good the past memories are, the taste will be talked about.

4. Life is always a dilemma. No matter how persistent or unwilling you are, you finally have to learn to accept it. From crying to controlling to smiling, in the end, it's just a matter of taking things as they are. Don't think too much, everything will pass.

5. Cheap things are happy only when you buy them, but not every day when you use them; Good quality things are very painful at the moment of giving money. When they are used, they are happy every day. It is especially worthwhile.

6. A person must have enough tolerance to accommodate the ups and downs of life. One must have a long-term vision to see through the ups and downs of life.

7. Life is impermanent, life changes, if a person has not tasted bitterness, it is difficult to know the sweet taste.

8. Once people fall, even for a few short years, God will take away your talents and strength as quickly as possible.

9. Don't dwell on the past, don't be afraid of the future, the past. Whether gain or loss, or success or failure, whether happiness or pain, have passed, you can only recall, but can not go back.

10. Only when you are tired can you be free; Only after suffering can we know how sweet it is. When you are young, go out boldly to meet the baptism of wind, frost, rain and snow, and cultivate a patient, open-minded and wise heart, happiness will come.

11. No matter how poor your conditions are, there will always be someone who loves you. No matter how good your conditions are, there is always someone who doesn't love you.

12. Don't always think that you are ugly and have low IQ, and your life will always be poor, because if you feel this way, these will become reality and follow you closely.

13. The first step in love is to make yourself look good. The first step in marriage is to make yourself reliable. The first step to having children is to make money. A lot of things can not be done if you want to. You must first make yourself have enough conditions.

14. Life does not have so many assumptions, the reality is a real slap, hit you in the face, crying pain is no doubt, only indomitable.

15. On the road of life, everyone is a lonely passenger. Rather than being comfortable and muddleheaded for a lifetime, it's better to taste an unusual taste, which seems bitter but sweet.

16. When you have determined your own principles, don't back down again and again, learn to say no, learn to be yourself.

17. When people reach middle age, they are bored. What is most important is health. Because of poor health, how can we support this family.

18. The most important thing to get along well is not to demand others with your own way of life.

19. Most of the time, we do not walk out of the pain, but learn to continue to live with the pain.

20. Some people will come and go in your life, but as long as there are those who are willing to stay, it is enough.

21. Everyone is frustrated in the world, and many people grow strongest in the place where they are broken.

22. You should eat seven or eight percent full when you eat, and make friends seven or eight percent. Too much emotional effort is doomed to be a disaster. Sometimes we just have to face up and pretend to be full of enthusiasm and consideration. Later I thought about it. I should save my energy and be good to myself. No one will treat you like the world.

23. Doing one thing well is the first thing in life. Life is short, you should be happy.

24. Some people will not forget, because they are unwilling; Some people must forget, because it is not worth it.

25. Watch the flow of water and look at the state of the world coldly. There is no eternity in life. Only a shining life can be regarded as the eternity of life.

26. There are nine out of ten things that are not good in life. Always think about one or two things, but don't think about eight or nine things. Everything is good—— Lin Qingxuan

27. "When you can be bold enough to earn money, you will be mature." No matter how many people regard this sentence as a classic, I hate it anyway! When everyone earns money shamelessly, social order will be disordered. What is face? That is the fig leaf of human nature, the biggest difference between human beings and beasts!