Talk about Daquan's domineering love in space
Home and everything
2023-05-01 18:07:46
Complete sentences

1. You stand there and don't move. I'll run to you!

2. Come here, that girl. I will keep you forever!

3. Your kindness can conquer me every time.

4. The two love always accompany each other in this life.

5. You treat me as air, at least it is your life.

6. It's good to see you once. It's reassuring to take my mind off.

7. None of you is allowed to bully her, only I can!

8. Later, we all walked on our own roads and no one waited for anyone.

9. I am most afraid of not seeing you and losing my heart.

10. I don't want much, only you. I don't have much, all for you.

11. Since you don't love anymore, then I'm willing to give up.

12. Unable to leave the initial damage, I tried my best to learn to cherish.

13. Only women can understand a woman's mind, and men will never understand it.

14. Who wants to steal you from me, unless you step on my body!

15. Many things I once hoped for are not rare when they are presented to me.

16. You let me stay in your heart, and I let you reach the bottom of my soul.

17. I just want you to know that you are not the best, but I care most about you.

18. Can you refuse all ambiguity for me, for me who loves you.

19. I just want to be with you, as long as we are together, even if we die.

20. You ignore me now. Keep sth. in mind. In the future, you can't climb up to me.

21. Why are you so stupid? You should stand behind me in case of anything in the future, do you know?

22. Now the mainstream has become mentally disabled. I didn't expect anyone to be infatuated with it. Sister, it really hurts.

23. You are so drunk that your eyes are full of tears. You said that you are tired and your beloved will never return. Who will you love in the future.

24. The sun rises in the east and the rain falls in the west. You are the only person in my heart. There is nothing for you, only one sentence I love you.

25. You are my warm glove, cold beer, shirt with the smell of sunshine, and dream day after day.

26. Later, the heart, somehow, calmed down and stopped insisting on what you had to do.

27. After experiencing so many sceneries, I know that love is not a leap in spite of everything, but a retreat for you.

28. Without you, the color is single. Without you, the food is tasteless. Without you, I am hollow!