61 proverbs of thought
everything is going smoothly
2023-07-06 17:53:09
English Proverbs

1. If people are united, Mount Tai will move.

2. Dysentery, hunger and cold.

3. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

4. Not afraid of difficulties, but afraid of lazy hands.

5. No rules, no square.

6. Go out and ask for directions.

7. Learn from others and make up for your own shortcomings.

8. Start with the good and think about the bad.

9. Evil is rewarded with evil, and good with good.

10. Fighting tigers requires strength and catching monkeys requires wisdom.

11. Constant dripping wears away the stone.

12. Every drop of water makes a river.

13. More incense, more ghosts.

14. Sores fear fame, while diseases fear anonymity.

15. Illness comes from the mouth, disaster comes from the mouth.

16. He who covets small profits cannot achieve great things.

17. Elder brother is like father, elder sister-in-law is more like mother.

18. Not afraid of failure in learning, but afraid of dishonesty.

19. Not afraid to wear late, but afraid to take off early.

20. It is easy to go from thrift to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to thrift.

21. Go out to see the weather and stir fry to see the fire.

22. Depend on friends when going out and parents when staying at home.

23. No single filament can form a line, and no single tree can form a forest.

24. Wet your mouth when eating, wash your face and wet your hands.

25. Eat like a dragon and live like a worm.

26. The mouth of the altar can be sealed and the population can not be sealed.

27. Lose Jingzhou carelessly and lose the street pavilion proudly.

28. Cut three blades of grass every inch, and gain weight with less material.

29. Gather firewood and ask the woodcutter; sail the boat and ask the boatman.

30. Hit the snake for seven inches, and dig the roots before digging the tree.

31. Old trees have deep roots and old people have hard bones.

32. When water falls, stones appear, and people's hearts are seen over time.

33. When the water recedes, the stone is still there. Good people say it's not bad.

34. If you are ill, don't thank the doctor. No one will treat you next time.

35. The scale can weigh the weight, which can make people feel energetic.

36. Stupid people get up first, and stupid birds leave the forest early.

37. Out of ear, out of ear, out of appetite.

38. There is no discussion behind the scenes and no proposal to the face.

39. Read carefully. One word is worth a thousand dollars.

40. The pot will not leak and the words will not be understood.

41. A whipped horse is a busy man.

42. If the knife is not sharpened, it will rust. If people do not learn, they will fall behind.

43. Eating people's mouth is short, and holding people's hands is short.

44. There are many hospitable friends and talkative nonsense.

45. A good drum will ring as soon as it is played, and a good light will turn on as soon as it is turned on.

46. Die for the brave, starve for the cowardly.

47. Wisdom lies in learning, genius lies in accumulation.

48. It is better to work early than to work late, and it is better to work skillfully than to work recklessly.

49. The Yangtze River does not refuse small streams, and Taishan Mountain does not choose earth and stone.

50. People who can't do small things can't do big things.

51. Grass makes a nest if you don't walk along the road, and you forget too much if you don't sing good songs.

52. Those who catch fish do not leave the water and those who catch firewood do not leave the mountain.

53. Cast head-on nets when casting nets, and open the windward boat when sailing.

54. Don't look at the flat river like a mirror, but look at the deep water.

55. Talk, laugh, and move without tutoring.

56. The tofu has been soaked in water, and the empty talk has been discredited.

57. The spendthrift wields gold like dung, and the prosperous family cherishes dung like gold.

58. May is long, October is short, February and August are short.

59. People who brag about themselves are propagating their ignorance.

60. There are several steamed buns, one radish for one pit.

61. Becoming a monk for three days, with the Buddha in front of you; Three years as a monk, Buddha is in the west.