After Reading "If You Give Me Three Days of Light"
Lost Love
2023-09-12 08:06:19

In the winter vacation, I read the book "If you give me three days of light".

This book is the autobiography of Helen Keller, an American blind and deaf woman writer. The book tells the rough life of blind and deaf Helen Keller: she had only 19 months of light and voice in her life. With the care and help of teacher Annie Sullivan and other teachers, Helen Keller overcame the difficulties that ordinary people cannot imagine, completed her studies in Harvard University, and graduated with excellent results. She has always been committed to the cause of the disabled, raising money everywhere to improve the living environment of the disabled and create educational opportunities for them. She traveled around the world to cheer for the disabled, and eventually became an outstanding philanthropist, speaker, and educator.

In her dark and silent world, she firmly believes that if you give me three days of light

On the first day, I will call all my friends, stare at their faces and observe the world carefully;

The next day, I will get up at dawn to see the moving miracle of turning night into day. I will visit museums during the day and watch dramas at night;

The third day, I want to spend an ordinary and extraordinary day in this world, among people engaged in daily life.

Helen was unfortunate, but lucky. She is unfortunate because her world is dark and silent; She is lucky because she is optimistic and upward, trying to learn knowledge and climb up the bright cloud. Her spirit made me feel inferior. After reading, I often think: If I were her, could I fight as unyielding as her? I don't think I can.

A blind and deaf person is so strong. What about us? We have a better environment, better teachers and better conditions than her, but we don't cherish them. Do we cherish them only when we lose them?

Sometimes I give up what I want to stick to because of some small difficulties. If Helen, like me, gave up easily because of some small difficulties, would she still have today's achievements?

Mark Twain praised her as an outstanding person as famous as Napoleon, because her hard work is more than ordinary people, which makes ordinary people hard to imagine.

She was rated as one of the top ten heroes in America by Time magazine; Won the Presidential Medal of Freedom award; Was elected as one of the top ten outstanding women in the world

It's hard for a normal person to do it. Helen Keller did it. Don't we admire it? All this, I think, is due to Helen's strong confidence and perseverance.

Helen Keller once said, "Faith is the master of destiny." Let's learn from Helen, and use faith to master destiny and change life.