A paragraph of family unity and harmony (25 selected sentences)
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2023-03-19 12:35:42
Complete sentences

1. Whether it is a country or a collective family, if it wants to prosper, it must not leave the word "harmony". Couples will have love, brothers and sisters will have unity, parents and children will have fatherly love and filial piety.

2. Happy families are similar, and unhappy families have their own misfortunes.

3. For a family, everyone should play his or her role well before he or she can sing the family play well; Because everyone plays multiple roles.

4. Having a family together and being harmonious and happy is the real success and the greatest happiness.

5. Home is our lifelong home, family is our lifelong concern, as long as a family together, and harmonious, healthy, is a real success.

6. Home and everything is prosperous. If you want to make a family prosperous, prosperous and prosperous, you must remember the word "harmony". A harmonious family will have laughter, warmth and happiness.

7. A family needs every family member to cooperate with each other and unite as one, so that a family can prosper

8. People do not live for money, fame and wealth. If they value money and fame and wealth, they will lose more valuable things. They will be exhausted and have no fun living.

9. The level and quality of a family's hostess determine the stability and quality of life of a family; There is a saying that a good woman thrives for three generations. Only a virtuous woman can be filial to her parents in law, unite her family and educate her children.

10. Since ancient times, good wives and husbands have few disasters. Only unreasonable wives can persuade their husbands to behave unwisely, reduce their misfortunes, and preserve the happiness of a family; A meddlesome woman is rude and domineering, often disturbing a family and causing more trouble.

11. In a family, husband and wife are the protagonists. The relationship between husband and wife determines the future and direction of the family; Children are supporting actors. Their attitude towards their parents determines their happiness index.

12. Home, not rich, as long as harmony; Home, not too big, as long as warm.

13. What if you win among your family members? Your lover's children are not your enemies. Even if they are wrong and not active enough, it is not your reason to attack them; The hurt heart will have resentment and grievances, and also make a family become strange and alienated.

14. A happy family needs to be managed, and every family member needs to be able to make sacrifices and contributions, so that there can be a good life and a harmonious and united family.

15. We must remember this sentence: home is a place of love, not a place of reason. If we win, we lose.

16. Only when the family is harmonious, united, laughing and bustling, can there be long-term success and happiness.

17. In this life, the warmest place is home, and the most reliable backing is family.

18. Family members must be tolerant; No matter what happens, don't take it too seriously. Learn to be tolerant and understanding, learn to tolerate and retreat. Only when there is family affection, can we maintain the feelings between families.

19. The father is kind and the son is filial, which is a commendable family; Children are not only the future of a family, but also the dependence of a family; If children can make progress actively, know how to be grateful, and show filial piety to their parents, parents will feel gratified enough and make a family full of happiness.

20. No matter how many bosom friends there are, no matter how many friends there are, once things go wrong, there are difficulties, only family members can really share weal and woe.

21. A man is not only the father of his children, but also the husband of his wife; A woman should not only play the role of a mother, but also play the role of a man's wife; A child is not only a child of his parents, but also a good student.

22. A simple word of home, and a harmonious family, where there is a home, we have a place to live, and where there is a family, we will be loved.

23. As the saying goes, "Harmony generates wealth." Families respect each other, treat each other kindly, and be kind. They think and work hard together. Whatever they do, they will succeed. They will make a family prosperous, and their career and financial fortunes will not be bad.

24. Whether rich or poor, how tired and bitter, as long as you can see the smiling faces of your family and feel their love, you will feel warm even if you live in a humble house, and you will be happy even if you live in a humble house!

25. Especially between husband and wife, don't fight for strength, don't fight for trivial things, don't fight for the sake of who has done more, who has done more responsibility, who is red faced, unwilling to forgive, who refuses to obey, or even has to forgive, bitter.