A sentence that criticizes a teacher for not being a teacher
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2023-02-12 01:19:48
Complete sentences

1. Simple and rude, unworthy of being a teacher. Youth in bloom are ruined by unscrupulous people and must be punished.

2. Being a teacher lacks morality. To do such a thing to students is unworthy of being a teacher. Being expelled is a very correct decision.

3. The so-called educators should not blindly label children. A teacher who does not appreciate the advantages of different children is not qualified to be a teacher.

4. Often people who have a low opinion of others are snobs. Such a person is unworthy of being a man, let alone a teacher. One or two of them are snobs.

5. Some people really don't deserve to be teachers. Their professional ideas are not generally poor. Teachers don't understand people's professional ethics. How can they be teachers?

6. I can't imagine how there can be such a teacher in this era. If you don't have professional quality, you don't deserve to be a teacher!

7. Such rude treatment of students is no longer qualified to be a teacher. We should clean up the ranks of teachers.

8. To be honest, some teachers are really not qualified to be teachers. You may have poor business ability, but don't be too disgusting.

9. There is no bottom line, such people are not qualified to be teachers.

10. I really want to blacken the teacher! He is the worst one I have ever seen in my life. He is incompetent, irresponsible, and evasive. He is a bit unworthy of being a teacher!

11. It is a normal teacher who can teach students correct and scientific knowledge and ensure that students avoid detours. Those who attack students and make the light of students' life fade gradually are not qualified to be teachers!

12. The human nature and morality have been lost and become women, and they are not qualified to be teachers, especially kindergarten teachers. It will harm the child's life!

13. In this world, there are too many people who have no brains, no qualities, no benevolence, self righteous, excessive self-awareness, wrong values, unprovoked and unprovoked disasters, no minds, no virtues, no teachers.

14. People without professional ethics are not qualified to be teachers. It is an insult to the sacred profession of teachers to instill such ideas in children.

15. The punishment and humiliation of education are two different things. If you can't distinguish between them, you don't deserve to be a teacher. If you still insist on humiliation, you don't deserve to be a person.

16. I feel that the current teacher is disgusting, extremely disgusting, unworthy of being a teacher, and has no virtue at all. Bah, maggot.

17. Some teachers do not deserve to be teachers at all. They are selfish and put interests above life.