My Best Teacher
There's nothing in my dictionary Impossible
2023-07-20 16:01:28

Last week, in the fourth unit exercise of Chinese, the last question was to read "My Best Teacher" and write down the feeling after reading. In the article, a teacher named Whiteson "taught" his students the wrong zoology. When the students failed in the test, he told the truth and made his students always vigilant.

After reading this article, I think my head teacher, Mr. Xie, is the same as Mr. Whiteson in the article. I remember that in her first Chinese class, when I read the text, I mispronounced the tone of a word. When my classmates corrected it for me, Teacher Xie said it was right. We were blinded all of a sudden, thinking that the teacher was always right, and we believed it all. As the tone of that word happened during the exercise, the whole class was wrong, and we were stunned. It was clear that Teacher Xie said I read it correctly in class, but why was it wrong again? Teacher Xie smiled and said, "I deliberately lied to you. I didn't expect you to be so easily fooled." We realized that every time Teacher Xie asked questions later, we would always boldly express our opinions and always be wary of Teacher Xie "cheating" us.

Take the exercise "The Twelfth Gauze" done this semester as an example. The female nurse in the article was not confused by what he said because the doctor was a surgical expert: "I took all out." She insisted that she was right. Therefore, when the expert took out the twelfth gauze, she praised the female nurse as his qualified assistant.

There are many such examples in daily life and study

Therefore, a person should be confident, adhere to his correct views, and try boldly, so that he can learn more. There will even be inventions!

I often remind myself to be alert and bold, not only in learning but also in life.