Celebrity quotes encouraging others not to give up (77 selected sentences)
Life will continue
2023-04-13 11:04:21
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Those who try to do something but fail are much better than those who try nothing but succeed

2. On the road of life, even if everything is lost, as long as there is still a breath, you have no reason to despair. Because everything lost can be recovered at a new level.

3. Last night, I had a few more minutes of preparation. Today, I have a few less hours of trouble.

4. Compassion is the ability to think for others from the perspective of others.

5. Don't regard the past as lonely, because it will never turn back. We should find ways to improve the present, because that is you, and summon up the courage to move forward in the future without fear—— Longfellow

6. We use the best years of our lives as collateral to guarantee a dream that will be laughed at when we say it.

7. Action is the ladder of success. The more actions you take, the higher you climb.

8. You are unworthy of your ambition and the suffering you have experienced.

9. When everyone is low-key, you can keep a high profile, but you can't lose it.

10. Human talent is like sponge water. It can never flow out without external force. After flowing out, the sponge can absorb new sources.

11. Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation and delay will continue to nourish fear.

12. The speed of success must exceed the speed of aging parents.

13. When you feel sad and painful, it's better to learn something. Learning will keep you invincible forever.

14. The stone can be broken, but not the strong; Dan can be polished rather than red.

15. If one day you happen to see these words, I hope these few minutes are really your own. Here you can cheer yourself up, continue to complete your dream, bravely challenge yourself, and experience yourself!

16. Life has no ifs, only consequences and results. Ask less why, ask more why.

17. The rule of success is extremely simple, but simple does not mean easy.

18. Use a telescope to look at others and a magnifying glass to look at yourself.

19. A person can fail many times, but as long as he doesn't start blaming others, he is not a loser.

20. There are always people who are better looking, smarter and younger than you, but no one can replace you.

21. I am not a born king, but my bones are full of blood.

22. Teachers' personality is everything for educators. Only a healthy mind can have healthy behavior—— Ushinsky

23. Be the protagonist of your own life, not the spectator of others' life.

24. I am myself. The fireworks with different colors are vast, and we should be the strongest foam.

25. If you feel disappointed and powerless now, what should you do in the future.

26. If you see the shadow in front of you, don't be afraid, it is because there is sunshine behind you.