85 qq sexual signature lies
Winter snow
2023-02-04 08:56:23
Complete set of signatures

1. White lies should be told with heart.

2. The desire of the heart, staged complex emotions.

3. Flowers bloom and fall, everything is my own sentimentality.

4. A perfect lie is a lie.

5. Youth is not a lie, a lie is not a fairy tale.

6. My love in your world, slowly stranded.

7. The chest is very thin. Don't take heart to resist the pain.

8. Memory surges, driving some colors.

9. You and I are strangers, meeting is also a boon.

10. The letter affidavit only gave a promise but was emptied by time.

11. If memory doesn't speak, fleeting years can also blossom.

12. I thought I was strong enough, but I lost so desperately.

13. If you tear off the mask of disguise, will you cry.

14. I once thought crazily, but now I have tried my best to forget.

15. Love fills my missing, and life is complete from now on.

16. The powerless words in the eyes symbolize a little past.

17. Oath, promise, woven into the ultimate lie.

18. I try to smile, just for your smile.

19. The promise was given by you and destroyed by you.

20. For me, love is not luxury, but hypocrisy.

21. Why do you want to plot against me.

22. I love you, which makes me happy and sad.

23. Sunflower faces the sun, so it is destined to love the sun.

24. It's cold. Warm your right hand with your left hand.

25. When the promise turns into silence. What do we have left.

26. My silence is just to perfunctory those powerless complaints.

27. Even if you can't forget some memories, you should pretend that you can't remember them.

28. Life without you is as plain as boiled water.

29. I give you love so carefully, but you are indifferent.

30. How strong you must be to compromise your obsession with you.

31. Who is the traveler and who is the wheel of life.

32. There are 366 days in a year when I miss you.

33. Do not deliberately forget or remember.

34. From the moment you left, I was destined to miss you.

35. I can't give you what you love, but I can empty my heart for you.

36. In the flourishing youth, I am just a humble clown.

37. I pretended to be strong, but I couldn't help being sad.

38. Those who cannot refuse grief are doomed to be stubborn in causing trouble.

39. Everyone has a period of sadness that they want to hide but want to cover up.

40. When we approach you, we will approach pain and away from you, and away from happiness.

41. Every blooming flower in the world has its meaning of existence.

42. In fact, happiness is very simple. It can't compete with distance and time.

43. I understand that what you said is just some excuse.

44. No matter how strong I become, you will still be my weakness.

45. The funniest thing is that you can't see it when you are invisible.

46. Some books have no protagonists because we ignore ourselves.

47. We cannot predict the future, and we can only take one step at a time.

48. Who would pick up the happy memories in a person's night.

49. The best happiness for two people is to cherish each other in memory.

50. You poured into my heart silently, but the past events scattered all over the place.

51. Memory is the past, not a tool to heal your wounds.

52. If it is everlasting, I would rather stay with you forever.

53. When forgetting becomes another kind of beginning, the pain is most real when the memory is diluted.

54. Be yourself in a planned and step-by-step way, and live up to your true colors.

55. Love is not gazing at each other, but looking at the same direction together.

56. Lies, after packaging, have a better name, oath.

57. In that golden age, we were hurt by loneliness.

58. The wind dries wet tears, but ignores the sea of turbulent psychology.

59. In our love, I guessed the process, but not the end.

60. Happiness is a substitute for sadness, and beginning is synonymous with end.

61. Sad words show true feelings, and happy words should not be laughed at

62. What is more true than a promise is an oath, and what is more hypocritical than an oath is a promise.

63. The greatest miracle in the world is that we can be together.

64. You only see the smile on my mouth, but not the tears falling from my eyes.

65. If memory itself is a grape, the process of memory is fermentation.

66. We use the most beautiful years of youth to strengthen our self righteous love.

67. I'm afraid my memory is like an hourglass. It is getting less and less, and one day it will be blurred.

68. The more you care about a person, the more that person will not care about you.

69. The promise once made has become a sad one that is not worth mentioning.

70. A person who thinks that his memory is unforgettable has already been forgotten by others.

71. Remembrance, remembrance, in which my thoughts for you are vividly volatilized.

72. There will always be a moment when I feel lonely and feel a little lonely.

73. Everyone is doomed to be left with himself in the end, and who dares to pray that no one will leave.

74. Those are only the past, the past that cannot be erased, and the memory that cannot be removed.

75. Some miss will give birth to beauty, as long as your eyes and heart are always looking for it.

76. I told stories that I didn't understand. I licked the wound alone because of the pain of the city.

77. People always say that people can't resist time. In fact, time can't resist our fickleness.

78. White lies are the decoration of great love, and beauty shines because of white lies.

79. The blue sky overhead once flowed beautiful days, but after all, it was only once.

80. Our life is a gift. We can get life only by giving it away.

81. You don't understand that it is fatalistic to like a person. Even if it is doomed to disaster, it is also doomed.

82. If you feel that your feelings are no longer fresh, remember to remind yourself that warmth is a static state.

83. When love taps on the shoulder, a man who scorns poetry and painting will become a poet.

84. Love without love will never go bad. So, we flirt, we are ambiguous, but never love each other.

85. In this world, there is nothing that can not be obtained, but can not be grasped and quietly flow away from the palm.